Page 46 - Sonoma County gazette September 2018
P. 46

   © Tish Levee, 2018
Just before the Global Climate Action Summit, called by Governor Brown, in San Francisco from Sept. 14-18, thousands will march around the world, but especially in San Francisco, to “Stop Fossil Fuels and Build 100% Renewable Energy!” The focus of this summit is local leadership, with local and regional government and business leaders gathering to showcase local climate action happening worldwide and to inspire deeper commitments from each other and from their national governments. Seven full-sized buses are going from Sonoma County. Go to, and under “Getting There,” click on the orange box on the left that says, “From Marin/Sonoma,” then follow the link
A Guide to the Night Sky
September 2018
Get on the bus and Rise for Climate, Justice, & Jobs on September 8th!
to “Click here to buy a charter bus ticket.” Then go back and click to “RSVP for the March.” And then spread the word—let everyone know about this action, and “Get on the Bus!”
Hemisphere! The seasons are caused by a combination of:
The West is Burning, but it’s not the only place on fire! We’ve been witnessing the largest fire in California’s history—the Mendocino Complex fire just north of us. Six of California’s worst fires have occurred in the last ten months. This summer there are fires throughout the rest of the West—more than 1500, over 100 of them major blazes. Sadly, for me, nearly four years
1) Earth being tilted on it’s axis and
2) Earth orbiting the sun.
As the tilted Earth orbits the sun, there are times when the top half (northern
after I hiked in Glacier National Park with the first Climate Hike, triple-digit temperatures helped ignite Glacier, burning with it my memories of childhood summers at Lake McDonald.
hemisphere) is leaning toward the sun and receiving more daylight than night (summer) and times when it’s leaning away from the sun and receiving more night than daylight (winter). In between these two extremes, there are times when neither hemisphere is leaning toward nor away from the sun, and both hemispheres receive equal amounts of day and night. On September 22nd
But not only the Western United States and Canada are on fire. In July wildfires ignited inside the Arctic Circle, due to a record-breaking Scandinavian heat wave with temperatures over 90°F north of the Arctic Circle. Sweden, Germany, Greece, and Russia have experienced devastating wildfires, driven by the scorching heat. While there are a number of factors contributing to these fires, climate change tops them, as higher temperatures result in fire seasons beginning earlier and ending longer. The fire season in California is now four months longer than it was in 1978. Massive blazes will cost the state billions of dollars more over the next decade.
at 6:40 pm, Earth will be in this position and Fall will officially begin as we experience what’s known as the Autumnal Equinox. Equinox is a Latin word, roughly translated to mean “Equal Night” meaning, equal amounts of night.
Record-breaking heat waves are driving these fires. Even when the ground has adequate moisture, high heat quickly dries out vegetation, turning it into tinder.
Since we can’t travel out into space to view this event, we can experience
it down here on Earth by watching where the sun rises and sets on this day. Going from summer to winter, the sun’s path in the sky has been gradually moving south. On June 21st, the longest day of the year, and the beginning of summer, the sun sets in the northwest. On December 21st, the shortest day of the year, and the beginning of winter, the sun sets in the southwest. On the Equinoxes, the sun sets right in the middle, perfectly west. Same with sunrise - but on the eastern horizon of course. After this day, the sun will rise and set just slightly south of due west, and it will keep heading south every day until early to mid December, when it will appear to slow down, stop, turn around and head north again, continuing it’s annual cycle.
Fires once seen as local events are now part of a global-scale phenomenon.
Back in early August, you may have notice four planets in the sky at once, but only if you are one of the fortunate ones to have an unobstructed view of both the eastern and western horizon - in order from west to east; Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. This month, Venus, in Virgo, continues her decent towards the glare of the sun, while Mars, in Capricornus the Sea Goat, rises earlier and earlier with each passing day. By the end of this month, Venus will be almost completely lost in the glare of the setting sun, with Jupiter, in Libra The Scales, close behind her. Saturn, much more dim than the other visible planets and still in Sagittarius the Archer, shifts from the south east to the south this month. The reason Saturn is so much more faint than the other planets is because it’s so far away from us - almost twice the distance of Jupiter - and there are even two more beyond Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which are SO far away, you need a telescope to see them!
We’re not the only ones having trouble breathing. Smoke from Western fires reached all the way to New England; recently, from space, NASA has seen smoke from Canadian fires over Europe and from Russian fires over Alaska.
Weird weather caused by Climate Change isn’t limited to fire.
The Eastern Seaboard is being hammered by rain with devastating floods, and at least 320 people have died in intense flooding India.
On Sept. 8th another good climate action takes place in San
Francisco. After years of testing and research, the Ocean Cleanup will launch its first system for a full test of the technology I wrote about in my May column It’s targeted at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
As always, the moon, in it’s monthly (or moonthly) orbit, pairs up with each planet over the course of it’s 28 day trek around Earth. Planet or “planeta”, is Latin for the word “wander”, since these bright lights mysteriously wandered through the same narrow path in the sky, as if they were deliberately being moved by The Gods...
On the 13th, look for the young crescent moon just to the right of bright Jupiter.
The time to get an Electric Vehicle is NOW! Sonoma Clean Power offers more than cheaper, more renewable electricity!
• Once again SCP’s electric vehicle incentive program offers the chance to save
on fuel costs while making our air cleaner—gas-fueled vehicles are one of Sonoma County’s largest sources of emissions. (Last fall’s program put over 550 more EVs on local roads.)
• Save up to $17,500 rebuilding your home if you lost it in last year’s wildfires. • Try clean, efficient cooking by borrowing an induction cooktop.
• Check out a DIY Home Energy Toolkit at your local library.
• Do something really great for the planet: sign up for Evergreen and watch
Four days later, on the 17th, look for the half moon to the right of Saturn. Two days after that, on the 19th, look for the waxing (growing) gibbous
your carbon footprint really shrink. For about $13 a month, get 100% clean,
And speaking of the moon, on the 24th, we are treated to this month’s full moon, The Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox and can occur in either September or October. This particular full moon allowed all the chores of harvest to get done - even after dark!
That’s it for this month, so enjoy the ever changing cycle of the
renewable energy 24/7.
Check out these programs and more at
More good news for the climate. On July 30th, the US Supreme Court unanimously ruled a lawsuit, Juliana vs. the United States, could proceed. Filed by 21 young plaintiffs, it alleges that the government’s affirmative actions caused climate change, violated the youngest generation’s rights to life, liberty, and property, and failed to protect essential public trust resources.
46 - - 9/18
seasons and always remember to KEEP LOOKING UP!
By Tre Gibbs, L.A.A.S.
This month, we welcome the return of autumn in the Northern
moon almost right above bright and orange-ish Mars!
Contact me to get info on viewing the International Space Station as it flies overhead - - or go directly to Chris Peat’s amazing website,, put in your location and click on ISS.

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