Page 48 - Sonoma County gazette September 2018
P. 48

     Please help the Russian River Community Response Team by taking this brief
8 question survey.
We are applying for a grant
for monies to help train our
community residents in disaster
preparedness and your thoughts
and answers will help the team know how to best tailar their training and resources to benefit our residents and prepare them to be self reliant
in the face of adversity. THANK YOU--just follow this link to the survey. Please reply by 9/7/2018.
  Forestville Fire is pleased to announce that Ken Jones has been voted onto the Department’s Board of Directors. Ken and his wife Nancy have lived in Forestville since 1970 and raised their family here. Ken was a teacher at Forestville Elementary School for over 30 years, and currently serves as the Director for the Food Closet at the Methodist Church here in town. Thank you Ken, for your dedication to our community, we look forward to working with you!
Fire season began early again this year and July was a very busy month for us. We had a wildland fire on Martinelli road, which thanks to the great job by our paid staff, volunteers and neighboring departments was kept to under an acre. We are lucky to have such an incredible group dedicated to this department.
   Car Fire Safety:
Due to our available resources we were able to send an engine to the Carr Fire in Redding for 21 days, and an engine to the Mendocino Complex Fires in Mendocino and Lake Counties for another 18 days.
 Cars can catch fire for many reasons. Mechanical or electrical issues are the most common cause. A car can catch
We greatly appreciate all the mutual aid provided to our County over the last year, and were pleased to be able to return the favor.
 fire as the result of a bad crash. If you can see smoke or flames or smell burning rubber or plastic, respond immediately.
Russian River Fire: On July 26th, we provided our new type three wildland engine and three firefighters to coverage in the CalFire Mendocino Unit. Shortly after their arrival, they were dispatched to a 9-acre grass fire followed by being on the initial dispatch for the Ranch Fire the next day. Both the engine and crew returned on August 3rd to help with coverage at home. Thank you to all Sonoma County agencies who were able to return the favor we received last October.
What to do if your car is on fire
• Pull over as quickly as it is safe to do so, be sure to use your signal as you make your way to a safe location off the road such as the breakdown lane or rest stop.
• Once you have stopped, TURN OFF the engine.
• GET everyone out of the car. Never return to a burning car for anything. • MOVE everyone at least 100 feet from the burning car and well away
On August 1st, we welcomed our newest full-time employee, Firefighter/ Paramedic Matt Brees to our staff. Matt started with RRFD in 2012 as an intern firefighter, and has since worked for Rancho Adobe Fire District and King American Ambulance in San Francisco. Welcome Matt!
from traffic. • CALL 9-1-1.
How to prevent a car fire
The Board of Directors will hold a public hearing to set the 2018-2019 tax rate at its next regular board meeting on September 12, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the fire station in Guerneville. We hope you’ll consider attending.
Visit us on line at
• Have your car serviced regularly by a professionally trained mechanic. If you spot leaks, your car is not running properly, get it checked. A well- maintained car is less likely to have a fire.
• If you must transport gasoline, transport only a small amount in a certified gas can that is sealed. Keep a window open for ventilation.
Bodega Bay Fire: It is yet another bittersweet moment for Bodega Bay Fire. Firefighter/Paramedic Ryan Hamilton has accepted a position with the Petaluma Fire Department. We wish him well in this new chapter of his life. Replacing Ryan will be Firefighter/Paramedic Camden Plummer who scored the highest in our recent hiring process.
• Gas cans and propane cylinders should never be transported in the passenger compartment. Never park a car where flammables, such as grass, are touching the catalytic converter.
• Drive safely to avoid an accident.
Know the danger signs
Undoubtedly, many of you have received letters from us about weeds. Please be very diligent in making sure your home and property is clear of weeds,
dry brush, and other combustible materials. If you did not notice, Instead of sending everyone a letter this year, we opted to do onsite inspections. The fire season is far from over. And don’t let the fog fool you, the grass is very dry and takes no time at all to dry out enough to easily catch fire.
• Cracked or loose wiring or electrical problems, including a fuse that blows more than once
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• Oil or fluid leaks
• Oil cap not on securely
• Rapid changes in fuel or fluid level, or engine temperature • Your Source for SAFETY Information
Please attend our monthly Board meetings held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm. Mark your calendars, this year’s “Night at the Firehouse” will be held on October 5th, starting at 5:30. It will be a very special occasion, so plan on stopping by for some great food, activities, and something very special.
   Catch us on Facebook and online at

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