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the yarn tales                                                                      softwares used : autocad 2d, ps, indesign, illustrator, sketchup, lumion  textile museum

        location: mumbai                                                                    site location:
        typology: museum                                                                    Site  is  located  along  Dr.  Babasaheb
        mentor: prof. shruti joshi                                                          Ambedkar  Road  with  close  proximity
        site area: 44000 sq.m                                                               to  Cotton  Green  station  on  the  Central
                                                                                            railway.The  site  located  within  a  dense
                                                                                            fabric  of  inner  city  of  mumbai  with
        fabric tour of india:               objectives:                                     residential private ownership.
        India, a land of variety in every sense—  • promote the textiles of India           The site enjoys a prime location and its
        India has so much to offer. From the array   • create opportunities for artisans and   edges cater to a large no of pedestrians
        of  delicacies to  the interesting customs,   expertise available in the field of textile   commuting from the station towards the
        traditions  and  festivals  we  celebrate,   industry                               residential estates in Parel, Dadar.
        every state has its own cultural identity.   • preserve the history of textile mill and
        And an essential part of that is the attire   the mill workers
        of the people. These are not just outfits,   • intervention of textile museum might
        but  even  the  fabric  used  to  make  them   trigger commercial development in the
        are  unique  to  each  state  of  India.  From   residential setup of India united mill area
        Kashmir to Kanyakumari, every region has   • workshop and seminars conducted
        its  own  handloom  techniques  that  are   will create interest in the field of textile
        used to weave many unique fabrics.    industry

                                            The challenge in this project was to retain                                         There are nearly 9 mills at a radius of 1 km
                                            the  heritage  buildings  and  constructing                                         from india united mill 2 & 3. This area was
                                            a  contemporary  building  on  the  same                                            a  full  fledge  industrial  area  during  mid
                                            site.  The  facade  of  the  contemporary                                           19 th century when textile industry was
                                            building  was  derived  from  the  facade                                           flourishing.
                                            of the heritage building. The aim was to
                                            maintain the heritage value of the whole                                            Map shows the mills around India united
                                            site. The new building was connected to                                             mill 2 &3.
                                            the old building by the means of a bridge
                                            where an audio of noises created by the                                             legends:
                                            textile  machines  were  played,  this  gives                                       1. Finlay Mill
                                            the  visitors  of  entering    the  mill.    The                                    2. Jam Mill
                                            history  of  the  textiles  were  displayed                                         3. Digvijay Mill
                                            with  the  help  of  mannequins  wearing                                            4.Western Indian Spinning and Weaving Mill
                                                                                                                                5. India United Mill 4
                                            the  different  fabrics  of  India  and  textile                                    6. Bombay Mill
            The India map, which focuses on hand-woven   machines  that  were  used  during  those                              7. New Hind Kesri Mill
                            textiles by each state.
                                            time were also displayed.                                                           8. India United Mill
                                                                                                                                9. New Great Eastern Spinning and Weaving Mill
        page|06                                                                                                                                 academic year | 2017-2018
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