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curriculum vitae
Being raised in the city of Mumbai aptly co-curricullum activities
referred to as the New York of India participated in:
because of its ever-soaring skyline, I •annual NASA Design Competitions
have seen this city grow and become •Archumen, India’s biggest architectural quiz competition and architectural quotient
architecturally rich. Having a keen interest •seminar on Digital Architecture titled “Ventures in Digital Architecture”
in both the art and science of designing •workshop on “Holistic Villages” conducted by Master Architect Laura P. Spinadel
spaces for people, inspired me to pursue from Vienna
architecture as a career. “Architecture is a •workshop on “NOMADIC PODS” Emergency Shelter Design Phase III a United Nations
pure art that burgeons everyday.” Academic Impact initiative between DEMOLA Budapest and Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati
College of Architecture, Pune
•competition on Township Planning conducted by MITCOE TESLA at MIT college, Pune
•class representative in the year 2016
d iganta g ujaran •attended training for advocacy and implementation of the united nations sustainable
development goals at Carleton University on 2nd Dec, 2017
address eductional qualification awards and achievements
A/101, Narendra complex, Vaishali Nagar, 2013-2018|B.Arch| Distinction •certification Course in AutoCAD, 3DS Max and Revit Architecture from CADD Centre,
Dahisar east, Mumbai -68, Dr.B.N.College of Architecture,Pune Mumbai in 2015
Maharashtra,India 2011-2012|12 th Grade | 73.67% •certificate of Appreciation for being the “Pillar of BNCA” in the year 2014
Thakur college of Science and •commendation certificate for the Smart Campus Challenge Competition organized by
d.o.b January 7, 1995 Commerce,Mumbai MKSSS (Architecture, Engineering and Management)
2001-2010|10 th Grade | 91.27% •awarded best outing student for academic year 2017-2018
nationality Indian Rustomjee International School,Mumbai •attended Carleton University,Ontario,Canada for the fall term 2017 under Ontario-
India student exchange program
work experience
worked as an intern at Ar.Rushikesh computation skills
Hadnoorkar (ARH), a firm based in
mobile +91 9969049090 Mumbai for a period of 100 days. autodesk autocad adobe indesign
career objective • assisted in preparation of working autodesk rhinoceros adobe illustrator
To contribute the skills that I have gained drawings of township, residential and
over the years to come up with novel mall projects. google sketchup microsoft word
and sustainable spaces for people. To
gain experience from the various design languages known lumion microsoft excel
methodologies and principles adopted by english, hindi, tulu, marathi, french
the architectural fraternity in India adobe photoshop microsoft powerpoint
photography painting sketching model making trekking