Page 4 - KPM CS AUG 18
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Under the leadership of Vincent d’Unienville, the Managing Director
and Santosh R. Lutchmee the General Manager, KEYSTONE has a
dedicated team of qualified and experienced staff, to offer CLIENTS,
the service needed for project success.
Vincent d’Unienville - Managing Director
[BSc Qs Dip Proj Man MRICS MAPM]
Vincent is a qualified Member of the Royal Ins�tu�on of
Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) and the Associa�on for Project
Management (MAPM), with over 30 years’ experience in
Quan�ty Surveying and Project Management.
Vincent worked for two major contrac�ng companies in
Mauri�us, prior to incorpora�ng V d’Unienville & Associates
in 1998 to offer Quan�ty Surveying services. In 2002, he
embarked on post graduate Project Management studies
and incorporated KEYSTONE Project Management upon
successful comple�on of his studies.
He went further using his nascent African experience to
incorporate ARABELLA in Rwanda in 2012, to offer Project
Management and Quan�ty Surveying services in the East
African region.