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N o te: C SC M em orandum C ircular No. 6, s. 2012, p. 7 (G uidelines on the E stablishm ent o f A g e n cy S P M S ) p ro vide s that, “U nless the w ork output o f a particular
d u ty has been a ssigned p re -set standards b y m anagem ent, its standards sh all be a greed upon b y the supe rviso rs and the ra te e s”. Thus, perfo rm an ce standards
fo r core o r support functions p erform ed b y em ployees that are n o t found in this Table o f R eference shall be a gree d upon bv th e superviso r a nd the em olovee.
Responsible Means of
KRA Program Projects/Activities Performance Indicator inform ation/ Delivery Unit Verification
Minim um Target
international international No. of proposals on local and 1 DCPIA, Colleges Summary
environment arena international programs submitted for Report certified
■ Increasing and approval true and correct
sustaining of by the HDU
public information No. of inbound students/ staff for cultural 15 DCPIA, Colleges Summary
■ Marketing of IFSU and academic exchange and Report certified
products and engagements true and correct
services by the HDU
No. of outbound students/ staff for 5 DCPIA, Colleges Summary
cultural and academic exchange and Report certified
engagements true and correct
by the HDU
Timeliness of assistance rendered to On deadline (as DCPIA, Colleges Summary
international clients on documentation per request) Report certified
matters true and correct
by the HDU
% of compliance to legal requirements 80% DCPIA, Colleges Summary
on international affairs Report certified
true and correct
by the HDU
End of 4th quarter DCPIA, Colleges Summary
Timeliness of profiling local and Report certified
international partners true and correct
by the HDU
Timeliness of the submission of a End of 2nd DCPIA, Colleges Summary
comprehensive local and international quarter Report certified
visibility plan true and correct
by the HDU
Timeliness of the submission of a End of 2nd DCPIA, Colleges Summary
communication plan for 2019 quarter Report certified