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P. 440


                                                                                             3 -  with 2 errors   4- -5-15 minutes
                                                                                             2-with 3 errors      3-16-30 minutes
                                                                                             1 -  with 4 or more   2-31-45
                                                                                             errors               1 45 minutes and beyond
                                 SPF                Sign advice of LDDAP-                    5- no error          5- immediately Upon receipt   Finance department/
                                                    ADA                                      4- with 1 error      4- within 5-10 minutes
                                                                                             3 -  with 2 errors   3 -within 11-15 minutes
                                                                                             2-with 3 errors      2 -within 16 to 20 minutes
                                                                                             1  -  with 4 or more   1 -  after 20 minutes
                                 SPF                Sign of advice of checks                                      5- immediately Upon receipt   Finance department/
                                                    issued                                                        4- within 5-10 minutes
                                                                                                                  3- within 11-15 minutes
                                                                                                                  2 -within 16 to 20 minutes
                                                                                                                  1 -  after 20 minutes
                                 CF/SF              Update Cash books    5 - complete        5- no error                                     Finance department/
                                                                          1 - incomplete     4- with 1 error
                                                                                             3 -  with 2 errors
                                                                                             2-with 3 errors
                                                                                              1 -  with 4 or more
                                 SPF                Prepare and sign check                   5- no error          5- immediately Upon receipt   Finance department/
                                                                                             4- with 1 error      4- within 5-10 minutes
                                                                                             3 -  with 2 errors   3- within 11-15 minutes
                                                                                             2-with 3 errors      2 -within 16 to 20 minutes
                                                                                              1 -  with 4 or more   1 -  after 20 minutes
                                 CF/SF              Prepare RCIs &       5 -  complete       5- no error          5- immediately Upon receipt   Finance department/
                                                    Accountable forms     1 -  incomplete    4- with 1 error      4- within 5-10 minutes
                                                                                              3 -  with 2 errors   3- within 11-15 minutes
                                                                                             2-with 3 errors      2 -within 16 to 20 minutes
                                                                                              1  -  with 4 or more   1 -  after 20 minutes
       Satellite Cam puses -
       Finance Section
          •   Submit Collection   CF/SF             Report collection     5- submitted required   5 -  accurate   5-submitted within 1 to 2 days   Cash Section personnel
             Report                                 submitted monthly to   report            4 -  with 1 error    4-submitted within 3 to 4 days   (Satellite Campus)
                                                    Main Campus           1-no report submitted  3 -2  errors     3-submitted within 5 working
                                                                                              2 -3  errors        days
                                                                                              1 - more than 3 errors  2-within 6 to 7 working days
                                                                                                                  1- beyond 7 working days
          •   Prepare Test Permit  CF/SF            Test permits prepared   5 -  complete     5 -  accurate       5-5 or more days before    Personnel in-charge
                                                    before examination date  1 -  incomplete  4 -  with 1 error   examination date           (Satellite Campus)
                                                                                              3 -2  errors        4-within 3 to 4 days before
                                                                                              2 -3  errors        examination date

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