Page 2 - affirmation journal for wealth and abundance
P. 2

I want to take a moment to let you understand a little bit on affirmations

        and how real and powerful they can be.

        Its scientifically proven that speaking allowed what you want creates

        positive connections between nerves in your brain.Things that you say

        out loud actually change the brain on a cellular level. That’s why when

        you think positive thoughts, your brain releases chemicals related to

        those positive emotions leading you to feel good. The same happens when

        you think negative thoughts.

        Neurons connect in your brain by attaching to thoughts and memories.

        This causes physical changes in your mind and inevitably, the way you

        live out your life.

        You have the ability to change your entire way of life by changing the

        way you speak and think day to day.

        I would like to delve a little deeper into why I decided to create this
        into something more than just a book full of affirmations to say out

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