Page 8 - LLM (Applied Law) Handbook - Australia (February 2018)
P. 8

Postgraduate subject structure

                                                              Weekly activities
              Module 1                                        Weekly activities may be in the form of written activities or skill-sharing
                                                              activities. See below for descriptions.
              Week 1, 2, 3
              •  Review, read, prepare                        Review, read, prepare
              •  Participate in conference or discussion      This consists of essential and additional readings. Students are also
              •  Prepare and submit activity                  often provided with some questions for the purposes of reflection and
                                                              also preparation for the upcoming conference.
              Module 2
                                                              Self-assessment activity
              Week 4
                                                              This is an activity that allows students to monitor their understanding of
              •  Review, read, prepare                        material of a relevant module. Such activities will provide the students
              •  Participate in conference or discussion      with an opportunity to reflect and review their own work.
              •  Prepare and submit activity

              Module 3                                        Conference
                                                              The weekly conferences are used in different ways depending on the
              Week 5                                          subject and specific module. They may involve  group discussion about
              •  Review, read, prepare                        the issues or topics arising from the readings, escalating dilemmas or
              •  Participate in conference or discussion      role plays focused on the client facing scenarios.
              •  Prepare and submit activity
              Module 4                                        The discussions are open to those students that are not able to
                                                              participate in the conference. As part of the discussion forums,
              Week 6
                                                              students are encouraged to discuss the same topics and questions
              •  Review, read, prepare                        that are covered in the conference.
              •  Participate in conference or discussion
              •  Prepare and submit activity
                                                              Skill-sharing activity
              Module 5                                        This is an activity that requires students to prepare a presentation or
                                                              other professional development activity on a relevant topic in order to
              Week 7                                          demonstrate the student’s comprehension of material.
              •  Review, read, prepare
              •  Participate in conference or discussion      Written activities
              •  Prepare and submit activity                  These are formative activities that may include checklists, memoranda,
                                                              letters of advice, file notes or other drafting activities. These activities
              Module 6                                        are usually no longer than two pages each. Completion of these
                                                              activities throughout the subject enables students to receive feedback
              Week 8
                                                              from the lecturers and incorporate the feedback for the purposes of
              •  Review, read, prepare                        submitting the activities as part of the final portfolio.
              •  Participate in conference or discussion
              •  Prepare and submit activity
                                                              Written assessment
              Module 7                                        This is a drafting activity relevant to the material covered in the subject
                                                              and is a realistic example of current professional practice.
              Week 9
              •  Review, read, prepare                        Oral assessment
              •  Participate in conference or discussion      The basis of the oral assessment in Module 8, is one of the skill-sharing
              •  Prepare and submit activity                  activities completed during the subject. For the purposes of the oral
                                                              assessment, students will need to review and improve the presentation
              Module 8                                        that they prepared for the skill-sharing activity. The student will then
                                                              present to the lecturer via conference facility and will answer the
              Week 10, 11, 12
                                                              assessor’s questions regarding the presentation.
              Assessment period
              •  Written assessment (30%)
              •  Oral assessment (30%)                        Final portfolio
              •  Work portfolio (40%)                         This is a final assessment in the subject that comprises of the
                                                              submission of selected written activities for which students received
                                                              feedback throughout the subject.

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