Page 6 - Malaysia LLM handbook (July 2017)
P. 6


                              PETER TRITT                                             JAMES JUNG
                              Director, COL Asia                                      Programme Director, COL Asia

          Peter Tritt is the Director of the College of Law Asia. Since joining the   James Jung is the Programme Director for The College of Law
          College in 2005, Peter has been the CEO of COL New Zealand and   Asia with academic oversight of the full range of programmes
          the Director of Practitioner Education in Australia. Before joining   provided by the College in Asia. Before assuming this role,
          the College, Peter specialised in employment law and managed a   James worked as a lawyer in finance and securities law and
          large team of lawyers and consultants who advised and represented   has also practised in commercial and property law. He has also
          member employers in employment, industrial relations and   lectured for the College in New Zealand.
          workplace health and safety matters.
                                                                 He holds a number of qualifications including an MA (Hons)
          Peter graduated in Law and Arts from the University of Auckland and   and an LLM (Hons) and is admitted to practice in both New
          began his legal career working in property and commercial practice   Zealand and Australia. He is the Chair, Legal Development and
          areas with a large law firm. Other early career roles included an in-  Training Committee of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association and a
          house role within a peak industry organisation and investigating and   member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
          resolving complaints in the Ombudsman’s Office.
          Peter has also served as CEO of national business organisations
          representing three industry sectors - civil engineering construction,
          grocery manufacturing and magazine publishing.

         The following prominent practitioners have been involved in developing and overseeing the subjects in the Master of Laws (Applied Law)
         Malaysian Legal Practice major.

           Murad Ali                         Balakumar Balasundram             Dhinesh Bhaskaran
           Principal, K’Mura & Co            Partner, Azim, Tunku Farik & Wong  Partner, Shearn Delamore & Co

           Wei Lung Chong                    Wong Tat Chung                    Audrey Fernandez
           Partner, Cheang & Ariff           Partner, Wong Beh & Toh           Senior Associate, Azim, Tunku Farik &

           Darryl Goon                       Jeremiah Gurusamy                 Rafika Hassan
           Partner, Raja, Darryl & Loh       Partner, Arianti Dipendra Jeremiah  Advocate & Solicitor, Law Chambers of
                                                                               Rafika Shari’ah

           James Khong                       Leena Manaharan                   Jude Raj
           Principal, James Khong            Senior Associate, Azim, Tunku Farik &   Associate, Shan & Su

           Lambert Rasa-Ratnam               Shaikh Saleem                     Baljit Singh
           Partner, Lee Hishammudin Allen &   Partner, Shaikh David Raj        Principal, Baljit Singh & Co

           Brendan Siva                      Datuk N. Sivananthan              Siew Mei Soo
           Managing Partner, Brendan Siva Law  Partner, Sivanathan Advocates &   Partner, Shearn Delamore & Co

           Andy Teoh                         Andrew Wong
           Associate, Kadir Andri & Partners  Principal, Andrew Wong & Co

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