Page 7 - The College of Law Postgraduate Programs handbook (2017) - LAWASIA
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                                                                 NZLP1 Administrative Law Practice  (New Zealand)
                                                                 NZLP2 Commercial Law Practice  (New Zealand)
                                                                 NZLP3 Criminal Law Practice  (New Zealand)
                                                                 NZLP4 Ethics & Professional Practice  (New Zealand)
                                                                 NZLP5 Personal Injury and Torts Practice  (New Zealand)
                                                                 NZLP6 Property Law Practice (New Zealand)
                                                                 NZLP7 Wills, Estates & Trusts Practice  (New Zealand)
                                                                 NZLP15 Major Project (New Zealand)

                                                              AUSTRALIAN LEGAL PRACTICE

                                                              Choose from 52 subjects in ten practice areas:
                                                                 Commercial Litigation
                                                                 Commercial Transactions
                                                                 Dispute Resolution
                                                                 Estate Planning
                                                                 Family Law
                                                                 Government and Public Sector Law (new in 2017)
                                                                 In-house Practice
                                                                 Legal Practice Management (new in 2017)
                                                                 Property Law
                                                                 Wills & Estates

                                                                  It changes the way that you practise completely…
                                                                 you can actually tell lawyers have done the course
                                                               because they practise at a completely different level.
                                                                                           – CATHERINE LEACH
                                                                            PRINCIPAL, LEACH LEGAL AND GRADUATE,
                                                                                              THE COLLEGE OF LAW

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