Page 53 - Law Society of Hong Kong MPMC Manual v6 - With checklists (May 2017)
P. 53

Practice Management Course | Unit 5
                                                                                                   Business Planning

               52.  Use the action sheets to identify how the work group will improve profitability of the
                     work it undertakes, for example by:

                     •  More  efficient  use  of  resources  -  the  right  person  doing  the  right  task,
                        better use of precedents, etc.
                     •  Improved time recording.
                     •  Reduction in write-downs and write-offs.
                     •  Improved debtor and disbursement management.
                     •  Reducing client complaints about fees.

                     For example:

                      Action                           By      Time         By      Monitoring
                                                       whom  estimate       when    Who/How
                      Test audit existing use of       LMN     4.0 hours    Aug     Report at September
                      precedents for PI work.                                       practice/staff meeting.
                      Identify new or refined          LMN     2.0 hours    Sep     Report at September
                      precedents required.             and                          practice/staff meeting.
                      Prepare new precedents.          All     40.0 hours   Mar     Report at April
                                                                                    practice/staff meeting.

                     Business development

                     Opportunities for new clients and new markets
               53.  Use the work sheets to provide details of what the practice will do to build business
                     for the  future through promotion of the practice image and reputation  in the
                     marketplace. For example:

                      Action                           By      Time         By      Monitoring
                                                       whom  estimate       when    Who/How
                      Attend local Chamber of          PHG     2.5 hours    Qtly    Report to practice/staff
                      Commerce meetings.                                            meeting in relevant
                      Identify 2 possible targets in real   KJL   4.0 hours   Mar   Agenda item for
                      estate/property development and                               practice/staff meeting
                      arrange introductions.                                        until achieved.
                      Prepare short presentation for   DRS     6.0 hours    May     Staff to review draft at
                      Chamber of Commerce lunch                                     March meeting.
                      /breakfast meeting.

                     Expanding, modifying and repackaging existing services
               54.  Use the action sheets to identify the services.

                      Action                           By      Time         By      Monitoring
                                                       whom  estimate       when    Who/How
                      Develop and plan the skills,     PFQ     150.0        May     Weekly report to work
                      experience and practice areas to   and   hours                practice and time
                      be marketed to existing retail   asst.                        sheets to Managing
                      clients.                                                      Partner.
                      Develop planning seminar to be   PFQ     10.0 hours   Aug     Diarise monthly review
                      offered to 3 developer clients.   and                         dates.

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