Page 5 - Law Society of Hong Kong MPMC Manual v12 - With checklists (22 May 2018)
P. 5

Practice Management Course | Introduction


                     What this course is about

               1.    This practice management course covers the essentials of managing a modern law
                     practice and offers perspectives on some of the challenges that face every principal
                     in  a  law  firm.  The  course  focuses  on  business  and  strategic  planning,  financial
                     management,  client  development  and  talent  management.  Outside  the  scope  of
                     this course are the areas such as professional conduct, risk management and trust

               2.    This course is primarily aimed at practitioners who want to establish and build their
                     own practice or join a practice.  It is also suitable for practitioners who have been in
                     a  sole  practice  or  general  partnership  practice  for  some  time,  and  would  like  to
                     examine and expand their practice management skills, and grow their practice.

               3.    This course is designed to meet the  Mandatory  Practice Management Course
                     requirements of the Law Society of Hong Kong. It has been developed for the Law
                     Society by the College of Law, Australia and is based on the content of mandatory
                     practice management courses that the College provides in various Australian states.

               4.    At the end of this course you will be able to:

                     •  Evaluate the different business structures to meet your needs in terms of
                        work-type, clients, staffing and practising goals.
                     •  Use relevant information and tools to  effectively manage the  financial
                        health of your practice.
                     •  Implement an effective approach to talent management.
                     •  Develop  the  necessary  skills  for  expanding  business  with  existing  clients
                        and build a business development strategy.
                     •  Create a business plan for your practice.

               5.    The course consists of five topics:

                     Unit 1:  Practice structures
                     Unit 2:  Financial management
                     Unit 3:  Talent management
                     Unit 4:  Client development
                     Unit 5:  Business planning

               6.    This course manual is provided as supplementary reading material for participants
                     in  the  Law  Society’s  Mandatory  Practice  Management  Course,  which  is  delivered
                     through a 3.25-hour workshop.

               7.    This manual is for reference only. It is intended as a general guide to good practice
                     in  legal practice management. It  is not intended to give advice  on any legal
                     requirements,  regarding the establishment, operation and management of a legal

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