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Dear Maple Grove Senior High Students and Parents/Guardians:
You are about to begin the annual registration for your high school course selection, which involves
many decisions. This process is extremely important because the course requests you make will
determine which courses are offered next year at Maple Grove Senior High. We hope this process will
be unique to each individual student’s needs. The high school experience can be most memorable,
enjoyable, and valuable, if thoughtful planning is used.
In order to complete the planning process, all of us - student, parent, school - must work closely
together. As a faculty, we will provide courses that will be challenging and begin the preparation of
students for their post high school choices. As students, you must become familiar with the courses
and programs of studies offered at Maple Grove Senior High and select courses that will help you reach
your academic, personal and vocational goals. This handbook can help you. Parents, we need you to
work with your student and the faculty in planning an appropriate program of study for your son or
To assist you with this process, I strongly encourage you and your child to sit down and discuss a four-
year plan in each subject area. Over the years, requirements have changed, new courses have been
added and new learning opportunities exist that we want you to be aware of prior to making your
courses selections. If at any time during the program planning process you have questions about the
curriculum, course offerings, etc. please contact any staff member, especially the ones listed below.
We hope each student is appropriately challenged and successful at Maple Grove Senior High.
Bart Becker, Principal
Naida Grussing-Neitzel, Assistant Principal
Josie Johnson, Assistant Principal
Tamiko Thomas, Assistant Principal
Penny Newell, Special Education Building Coordinator
Linda Byers, Counselor
Heather Hernandez, Counselor
Darwin Kreft, Counselor
Matt Malakowsky, Counselor
Sarah Vander Pol, Counselor
Andrea Keys, Student Assistance Counselor
Janelle Gillis, Career Placement Specialist
Penny Landry, Registrar