P. 53
Courses By Title
Alphabetical Index
Course Title Department Page Number
Global Outreach & Leadership Development Social Studies 36
Government & Citizenship Social Studies 34
Health Education Abstinence Based Physical Education/Health 28
Health Education Abstinence Based Until Marriage Physical Education/Health 28
Health Education Zero Hour Blended Physical Education/Health 28
HP Algebra 2 A, B, C Mathematics 22
HP Biology A, B, C Science 31
HP English 9 A, B, C English/Language Arts 14
HP English 10 A, B, C English/Language Arts 15
HP Geometry A, B, C Mathematics 21
HP Physical Science 9 A, B, C Science 31
HP Pre-Calculus A, B, C Mathematics 22
Human Anatomy & Physiology: Support & Science 32
Human Anatomy & Physiology: Transport & Science 32
Human Geography 9 A, B Social Studies 33
Integrated English 10 and US History ALP 10 English/Language Arts & Social Studies 15 & 33
Integrated English 11 and World History/Geography English/Language Arts & Social Studies 16 & 34
ALP 11
Integrated English 12, Government & Citizenship and English/Language Arts & Social Studies 17 & 34
Economics ALP 12
Introduction to Business Business, Marketing and Information Technology 12
Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting Technology Education 39
Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW) A, B, C Technology Education 37
Jazz Band A, B Zero Hour Music 27
Jewelry/Art Metals A, B; Studio Visual Arts 42
Keyboarding & Business Communications Business, Marketing and Information Technology 12
Life Fitness Physical Education/Health 28
Marketing Business, Marketing and Information Technology 12
Medical Terminology online (at OSH) Health Science 20
Minnesota Outdoor Connection A, B, C Physical Education/Health &Technology Education 29 & 39
Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis A, B, C Mathematics 23