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David Agger, Wellfleet Cemetery Commis- Ilona Geiss, Falmouth Service Center Chris Miller, Brewster Dept. of Natural Re-

sioners Kathleen Giorgio, Dream Day of Cape Cod sources

Kristin Andres, Town of Chatham Dept. of Hilary Greenberg-Lemos, Wellfleet Health Hal Minis, Brewster Conservation Trust

Health & Environment and Conservation Department Erin Mitchell, Wellfleet Elementary School

Abigail Archer, Cape Cod Cooperative Ex- Hilary Green, American Red Cross Susan Moeller, Woodside Elementary

tension CT Harry, International Fund for Animal School

Red Bansfield, Barnstable Land Trust Welfare Martin Murphy, Taylor Bray Farm

Alexandra Brandt, Town of Falmouth George Heufelder, Barnstable County Josh Nigro, Massachusetts Department of

Austin Brandt, Town of Provincetown Department of Health and the Environment Conservation and Recreation

Maggie Brown, Eastham Elementary School Trish Hill, Oak Ridge School Sean O’Brien, Barnstable County Depart-

Ryan Burch, Brewster Dept. of Natural Re- Dick Hilmer, Eastham Department of Natu- ment of Health and Environment

sources ral Resources Dennis O’Connell, Wellfleet Conservation

Philip Burt, Barnstable County Dept. of Don Hoffer, Falmouth Beach Department Trust

Health and Environment Rachel Hutchinson, Chatham Shellfish Joe O’Keefe, South Shore YMCA Camp

Matt Cannon, Harwich Conservation Trust Dept. Burgess & Hayward

Peter Carlow, Eastham Dept. of Natural Re- Betty Hyde-McGuire, Mattacheese Middle Andrea Pluhar, Wellfleet Recycling Commit

sources School tee

Brian Carlson, Provincetown Conservation Bill Iacuessa, State of Wellfleet Harbor Deirdre Portnoy, Wellfleet Historical Society

Commission Conference Committee & Museum

Nancy Church, Waquoit Bay National Estu- Kate Iaquinto, Monomoy National Wildlife Rachel Potts, American Red Cross

arine Research Reserve Refuge John Pribella, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Morgan Clark, Town of Provincetown John Jannell, Orleans Conservation Dept. Heinz Proft, Harwich Natural Resources

Dan Connolly, Orleans Highway Depart- Bill Keto, Mary Barton Land Trust Dept.

ment Allison Kochen, SPAT “Shellfish Promoting Dave Quinn, Cape Cod Cooperative Exten-

Robert Cook, Cape Cod National Seashore And Tasting” sion

David Crary, Jr., Cape Cod National Sea- Michael Lach, Harwich Conservation Trust Kris Ramsay, Orleans Conservation Trust

shore Diane Lang, The Trustees of Reservation Francie Randolph, Sustainable CAPE

Annie Curtis, Massachusetts Army National Donna Lawson, Marstons Mills Public Li- Karen Reddish, Nauset Regional School

Guard brary Cathy Riebeshel, Falmouth School District

Ron Dangemi, Lyme Awareness Center Krista Lee, Cape Cod National Seashore Sally Rutledge, Monomoy School District

Dave DeConto, Sandwich Dept. of Natural Liz Lewis, Orenda Wildlife Land Trust Scott Schluter, Falmouth DPW

Resources Scott Lindell, Marine Biological Laboratory Tim Seeth, Friends of Monomoy

Dick Delaney, Red Lily Pond Association Mike Maguire, Cape Cod Cooperative Ex- Kate Shaffer, National Marine Life Center

Inc. tension Francis Smith, Trout Unlimited

Judy Desrochers, Meetinghouse Farm Cathy Marques, Town of Falmouth Public Karen Stapleton, Forestdale Elementary

Lynn Donovan, Mattacheese Middle School Works School

Diane Driscoll, Laurel School Joseph Marshall, Barnstable Dept. Public Robert Steen, Town of Barnstable DPW

Brian Everett, Dennis Dept. of Natural Re- Works Brenda Swain, Falmouth Service Center

sources Tom Marcotti, Barnstable Shellfish Depart- Nicole Taylor, Cape Cod National Seashore

Mark Faherty, Wellfleet Mass Audubon ment Amy Usowski, Harwich Dept. of Conserva-

Amy Fleischer, Wellfleet Mass Audubon Cynthia McCann, Bourne Middle School tion

Bay Wildlife Sanctuary Lauren McKean, Cape Cod National Sea- Lydia Vivante, Wellfleet Recycling Commit-

Danise Fronius, Stonybrook Elementary shore tee

School Drew McManus, Mashpee Dept. of Natural Patty Watson, The Family Pantry

Renee Gagne, Chatham Shellfish Dept. Resources Jamie Whiddon, Quashnet Elementary

Mark Galkowski, Sandwich Dept. of Natu- Kelly Medeiros, Cape Cod National Sea- School

ral Resources shore John Yonce, Hostelling International

Patty Gardiner, Barnstable Intermediate Scott Michaud, Cape Cod Commission Richard York, Jr., Mashpee Shellfish Depart-

School Elizabeth Migliore, Orleans Conservation ment

Katherine Garofoli, Dennis Conservation Trust Amy Zahn, Boy Scouts of America, Cape

Trust Cod & Islands Council

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