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Children in Wales Annual Conference 2018.
The Whole Child: The importance of getting it right
Health and Attainment of Pupils in a Primary Education Network
Exploring the well-being of children aged 9-11
HAPPEN is a network of health, education and research
professionals aimed at improving the health, well-being
and attainment of primary school children (www.happen- Through HAPPEN, data is collected on the
well-being of children aged 9-11 and fed back to schools.
Schools are then given information on health and well-
being initiatives that can help in addressing identified
What we did
Well-being data is collected as part of CHAT (Child
Health and Activity Tool). Children rate their satisfaction
with different aspects of life, complete a validated
mental health questionnaire and comment on what they
would change in their area to improve their health and
well-being. Data collected has been used to evaluate
Outdoor Learning and Daily Mile Initiatives.
What we found
A number of well-being interventions are currently
delivered sporadically across primary schools, with large
variation in implementation and limited guidance. Our
current evaluation of a schools based outdoor learning
programme highlights a potential avenue for improving
child well-being. Children have suggested that increasing
and improving parks and sports facilities, cleaner streets
and safer roads would help improve their well-being.
How can our research help you
HAPPEN has engaged with over 5000 pupils and over 50 health and well-being organisations. The data
generated from HAPPEN has brought schools and health and well-being organisations closer together in
improving child health and well-being. Data collection will continue over the next two years, expanding to
more areas of Wales and recruiting more partners. More research will also be undertaken to understand what
makes children happy and what could be done by schools, organisations and the wider community to improve
the well-being of children living in Wales. Find out more at: or email Charlotte Todd
NCPHWR is funded by
The National Centre for Population Health & Wellbeing Research