Page 109 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 109

104 | AmErICAn DIstIllInG InstItutE
1 When setting up a new whiskey distillery, the minimum investment in mashing and fermentation equipment is:
[a ] [b ] [c ]
[d ]
$75,000 for a 1,100-gallon brewery
$110,000 for a 3,000-gallon brewery
$30,000 because whiskey-mashing equipment is less complex and therefore less expensive than
brewing equipment
$0 because a start-up whiskey distillery can contract a local microbrewery to produce their wash for them
2 Starch is:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
a type of sugar
a type of alcohol
a long chain of sugar molecules an enzyme
3 The most widely used malted grain for producing whiskey is:
[a ] barley [b ] corn [c ] rye
[d ] wheat
4 The source-water mineral that’s the most destructive to the mashing enzymes is:
[a ] calcium
[b ] magnesium [c ] iron
[d ] lead
5 The optimum pH range for mashing enzymes to convert starches to sugars is:
[ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ]
7.4 – 7.8 3.3 – 3.7 5.2 – 5.5 5.8 – 6.0

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