Page 110 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 110

CrAFt oF WHIskEy DIstIllInG | 105
6 To lower pH in a mash water:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
water salts are added acid is added
alkali is added
all of the above
7 The optimum temperature range for starch conversion in a whiskey mash using malt enzymes is:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
140°F – 151°F 152°F – 160°F 75°F – 85°F 173°F – 176°F
8 The mash strike temperature is:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
the temperature of the mash during conversion
the temperature of the mash just after the grain is added
the temperature of the mash water before it’s heated
the temperature to which the mash water is heated before the grain is added
9 Sparging is the process of:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
agitating the mash during conversion
separating the liquid wort from the grain solids testing the mash for complete starch conversion force cooling the mash to fermentation temperature
10 Mashing is:
[a ]
[b ] [c ]
[d ]
the biochemical process of converting grain starches to fermentable sugars
the mechanical process of grinding the grain into a fine powder
the process of blending the different grains of a particular whiskey recipe
the process of separating the grain from the husk

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