Page 112 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 112

CrAFt oF WHIskEy DIstIllInG | 107
16 Distillation is a process whereby:
[a ] [b ]
[c ] [d ]
a fermented substrate is left very still so the sediment can separate out
a chemical reaction takes place that produces a high concentration of alcohol
the alcohol is filtered out of the substrate
the compounds in a substrate are separated based on their different boiling points
17. The type of still most suited to producing whiskey is:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
a gooseneck still
a high-separation fractionating still a continuous-run cracking tower none of the above
18 The packing in a reflux column serves the purpose of:
[a ] [b ]
[c ] [d ]
19 A
[a ] [b ]
[c ] [d ]
cooling the vapors as they rise up the column
providing surfaces for a vapor-liquid interface that effects hundreds of thousands of little mini-distillations
filtering out impurities
to slow the flow of vapor up the column
dephlegmator is a component that:
removes phlegm from the distillate in the column
increases reflux in a distillation column by force cooling the vapors near the top of the column
reacts out sulfides in the alcohol vapor
condenses the vapor back to a liquid as it exits the still
20 Spirits like vodka and gin are unique in that:
[a ] [b ] [c ]
[d ]
they are made from pure ethanol
they are simply whiskey that hasn’t been aged in a barrel
their flavor is derived entirely from the feedstock from which they’re made
they are fermented at a lower temperature

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