Page 114 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 114
CrAFt oF WHIskEy DIstIllInG | 109
27 Heating a still with more heat:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
increases the throughput but reduces the degree of reflux increases the degree of reflux but decreases the throughput increases both the throughput and the degree of reflux decreases both the throughput and the degree of reflux
28 By extending the lyne arm at an upward incline, this:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
decreases reflux increases reflux chills the vapors has no effect
29 60% of the whiskey’s flavor profiles is contributed by:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
barrel aging
the type of yeast barley variety
shape of the spirit still
30 When distilling whiskey, congeners are present in:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
all of the above
31. The fusel alcohols, which are known for causing hangovers, come out of the still in their highest concentration in the:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
heads phase
hearts phase
tails phase beer-stripping run only
32 Acetone and methanol, which is often present, comes out of the still in their highest concentration in the:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
heads phase
hearts phase
tails phase beer-stripping run only