Page 46 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 46
34 | CrAFt WHIskEy DIstIllInG
1 mash- lauter 2,000 lbs of barley grain. Fermentaion producing 33 barrels of 9% was. (Just under 1,000 gallons).
2 strip the wash making ten, 90 gallon “fast” runs with the plates open. no heads or tail cuts. total collection from runs, 120 gallons of 35% abv. (140 proof).
3 two spirits run, making head and tail cuts. yield 100 gallons of 70% abv. (140 proof).
4 Barrel age. to bottle, dilute whiskey to 40% abv.
5 note, becauase the still is small it takes 12 runs (at least two days) to produce 100 gallons of whiskey. solution to the problem is using a large still for stripping and small still for teh spirits run.