Page 70 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 70
60 | AmErICAn DIstIllInG InstItutE
Get to know the other players in the market and become knowledgeable in the spirits market as a whole The American Distilling Institute is a good place to start (
Learn how to properly distill There are books and equipment manufacturer sponsored training courses as well as the American Distilling Institute hands on class. 3
Determine what types of sprits that you would like to manufacture and
visit similar type distilleries.
Spend a significant amount of time on a business plan Statistics show that businesses that begin with a well thought out business plan have a significantly higher rate of success The process of writing the business plan will force you to dig deeper into the industry and the business When you are planning your financing, raise at least 25% more than you think you will need.
Determine your distilleryís location, work with the local and state fire marshals, building inspectors and any local environmental agencies These groups can stop your business in its tracks; itís better to find out that a particular location will not work sooner than later