Page 9 - Flip Tiger demo
P. 9
Student Feedback on Distance Learning
This week, I ran a survey to elicit student feedback on our Distance Learning model. Here is a summary of the responses:
There were 128 responses (approximately 60% of available students), evenly split across all grades from M1-D1. 82% of the students either agree or strongly agree that the weekly spreadsheet is easy to use and helpful. Only 3 out of 128 students disagreed.
Student ideas to improve the organisation included:
• Writing the time instead of the period for each lesson
• Putting links to zoom sessions on the spreadsheet.
• Scheduling sessions in advance and not changing them later • Formatting the cells so that information doesn’t get lost
• Not having too many zooms on one day
Joe Lumsden
All of these are good ideas and we have been able to make some small changes based on the suggestions.
56% of students said that the number of zoom sessions every week was about right. Almost everybody else said that the number was either ‘a little’ high or low. (Approximately 10 per week (2 per day) is our target.)
Approximately 60% of students said that zoom sessions were always or usually helpful, with almost everybody else saying that they are ‘sometimes’ helpful. There were two kinds of suggestions here: (a) only run sessions in the afternoon (but that would create a scheduling nightmare), and (b) run shorter zoom sessions but more frequently, as it is too difficult to concentrate for an hour. I like that idea and I have shared it with our teachers. Teachers can negotiate this with their students.
Joe Lumsden
Secondary School Principal
60%of the students were confident that they can complete all of their work and that they know how they are progressing. Almost all of the other students said that this was true ‘in some cases’.
The students are very confident that they know how they are progressing in English, Foreign Language, Individuals and Societies, Science and Maths. They find it more difficult to track their progress in project or practical subjects like the arts, design and PE. (This is probably due to the nature of the assessment in these subjects, but we
will look into it).