Page 16 - INaT_Winter17_flipbook
P. 16
Director of Media Relations
Bloomington Thunder
Bloomington, Illinois
I were 108 former USHL players “ an exciting sec-
t has truly felt like hockey
weather, and the Bloom- on NHL teams.
ington Thunder has entered a While the aspiration is to ond half of the
new year in their third season one day play in the NHL, the season on the way
as members of the United States immediate goal for the Thun- to the race for the
Hockey League. der players’ remains fixed in
For those who are unfamiliar the present, winning the USHL second straight
with the USHL, it is a collection league championship, the Clark playoff berth.
of some of the most talented Cup. After finishing fourth in
16-to-20-year-old hockey play- Eastern Conference during the Now over halfway through
ers from across the country and regular season and advancing a home schedule of 30 games,
around the world, almost all of to the Eastern Conference Final the Thunder has also taken part
whom will go on to play Division a season ago, the Thunder are in several unique events to give
I college hockey in a matter of a currently in the thick of anoth- back to the community. Two
year or two. Of the 23 players on er tight race again this season. home games this season have
the Thunder’s roster alone, 20 Through the end of November, featured special uniforms for
have already committed to play Bloomington was sixth in the the Thunder that were auc-
for a Division I schools, schools Eastern Conference just four tioned off after the respective
that include the University of points out of one of the top four game. Pink the Rink Night’s
North Dakota, the University of spots that are rewarded with a uniforms benefited the Susan
Wisconsin, and the University of playoff berth at season’s end. G. Komen Foundation, while
Notre Dame. Only 12 points separate the top the proceeds from Ugly Sweater
But for some, the dream team and the seventh place uniforms on Dec. 3 went to the
doesn’t just stop at playing team in the East, with Bloom- United Way of McLean County.
college hockey. Several players ington only five points out of There will be two more jersey
in Thunder uniforms this sea- second place. auctions to benefit local causes
son could be sporting National Though the weather contin- before the season is over. The
Hockey League uniforms in just ues to cool down, the Thunder Thunder has also expanded
a couple of years. That group have only continued to heat their presence in community
includes Thunder forward up over the last several weeks. schools with a brand new Thun-
Mitchell Mattson and defen- A hot stretch in the month der Recess Buddies program
seman Ben Mirageas. Mattson of November helped propel and Thunder Pen Pals.
was selected in the 2016 NHL Bloomington to its current spot While the weather gets
Entry Draft in the fifth round by just outside the top four. The colder, things only continue
Calgary Flames, while Mirageas Thunder won five consecutive to heat up for the Thunder in
is considered to be a potential games to start November and what promises to be an exciting
second-round pick for the com- finished the month with just second half of the season on the
ing NHL Draft in June. At the one regulation loss, going 6-1-1 in way to the race for the second
start of this NHL season, there eight games. straight playoff berth.