Page 12 - Calga Dohnes Newsletter 2020_Flip Book Neat
P. 12

Is there money in data?                               Around sale time every year the question gets raised, why do

            Jason Southwell Studmaster Calga Uardry & DD Dohnes    you spend all the money in data collection and is it of worth for

                                                              The following numbers are based on the results from the May
         2020 Dohne analysis from all flocks across Australia.

         To simplify the calculations the main traits you get paid for as a producer will be used i.e.  Post Weaning weight (PWT), Fleece
         Weight (YCFW) and Number of Lambs Weaned (NLW)

         Table 1 – Represents Mrs. Average with the average across flock ASBV’s with average production figures assigned to the corre-
         sponding traits. Based on the calculations the average Dohne flock will produce $222,500 per 1000 ewes joined.

          Table 1 - Mrs Breed Average
          ASBV       WWT        PWT       Pfat       Pemd      YFD        YCFW      NLW        Dohne Plus
                            4.1       4.7        0.2       0.7       -0.3         9          4    150.30%
          Actual          35kg       50kg                                       5kg       95%
          $ Value         $140      $200                                     $32.50

         Table 2 – Represents the increase in returns from using Calga sires with the average ASBV’s for the Calga Stud.  Based on the
         calculations the use of average Calga sires will produce $242,820 per 1000 ewes joined. An increase above the breed average
         of $20,320

          Table 2 - Mrs Calga Average
                     WWT       PWT       Pfat        Pemd      YFD       YCFW       NLW        Dohne Plus
          ASBV              5.2       6.5       0.13      0.57       -0.1      12.2        9.1    166.50%
          Actual          36kg      51kg                                      6.6kg       98%
          $ Value         $144      $204                                     $42.90

         Table 3 – Represents the increased returns you would achieve if the breed average ewes were joined to the trait leading Calga
         Sire CA17 – 3301. Based on the calculations joining CA17 – 3301 over the average Dohne flock will produce $302,850 per 1000
         ewes joined. A huge increase of $80,350 above the breed average.

          Table 3 - Mr CA17- 3301
                    WWT         PWT        Pfat      Pemd      YFD       YCFW        NLW      Dohne Plus
          ASBV              7.9       10.2       0.2       1.1      -0.6        20.1       18      210.10%
          Actual           37kg     57.5kg                                    10.5kg    102%
          $ Value          $148      $230                                     $68.25

         So is there money in data collection and is it of worth for clients – I will let you be the judge.

        The season looking a

       million dollars at
                                                              in June at 93% which we thought was pretty good considering
                                                              the ewes arrived four weeks before lambing and had a bit of a
       Wirrilahlee                                            rough run getting sick from all the green grass - the joys of a
                                                              good season.

          Luke, Karene, Oliver, Henry & William Cosgrove.     This year's season has turned around incredibly. In January it
                                                              was looking like a desert and then on the 26  of January we
                                                              got our first 20 mls. Then when it started steadily raining in
          Wirrilahlee is located 60kms North of Warren.       February everything took off in a mad rush and we're up to
          We are currently running 600 ewes with lambs at foot and   530mls for the year and the season is looking a million dol-
          1000 acres of dry land cropping.                    lars. We now have grass coming out our ears which I'll never
          Due to the drought we sold all our sheep 18 months ago. In   knock back and the crops are looking great. Fingers crossed
          March this year we brought Dohnes X Mega Merino SIL ewes   for a good harvest here and for everyone else.
          from Longreach. Ewes started lambing in April and we marked
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