Page 6 - Calga Dohnes Newsletter 2020_Flip Book Neat
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Dohne ewes grazing on a loamy red sand ridge at Caroonboon Station in June 2020
A turbulent time to say Why buy your dohne rams
the least! from us? Easy!
The last 12 months in the sheep meat industry has certainly
been a turbulent time to say the least. With record price highs
being reached in early March to the 25% downturn we saw We have over 18 years of strategic breeding which has
only a month later. This largely spurred on by global oil prices enabled us to produce a superior dohne product with
excellent conformation and trait leading ASBVs
throughout the world. With the Middle East & North Africa Re-
gion (MENA) and the US being our two most price sensitive
Calga is currently positioned at No 1 on the Sheep
markets. With the COVID pandemic and the closure of restau-
rants and foodservice we saw premium cuts trading at record Genetics data base with the top performing animal in
low prices putting pressure on processing. There has been a the breed in Australia . CA17 - 3301 has an index of
slight recovery in the market however at present no major
factors are helping to push the prices back up. In the domestic
market, consumption of lamb has slightly fallen. MLA models 3 studs available for outcrosses Calga, Uardry & DD
suggest that this will be further affected by the downturn in Dohnes
the economy as households look to consume cheaper proteins
like chicken and pork. Of the total registered animals in 2019 we have over
10 % of those ovines registered. A distinct advantage
Looking forward the market for Australian Lamb appears to be of being able to access a larger genetic pool to select
quite hard to predict. In the short term, demand for Australian from for the superior genetics.
Lamb appears quite weak. Most processors are cutting back
production to recover losses. However, the longer-term out- A 10,000 commercial ewe base to be able to further
look does remain positive. African Swine Fever (ASF) is still benchmark our genetic success
prevalent throughout China, having already wiped out a quar-
ter of the worlds pig population to date. Alternative protein
demand therefore continues to remain high. This however is Superior wool champion dohne fleece ribbons since first
being undermined by the US-China Free Trade agreement entering in 2016 with fleeces from the Caroonboon
which is seeing China favour US red meat production over commercial flock.
Australia. The trade war with China remains quite strong how-
ever meat storage numbers suggest that they will be looking We are Ovine Johnes & Brucellosis accredited free with
to purchase toward the end of the year. We are starting to see rams free to go to all areas of Australia
global demand return as the world starts to open after the
pandemic however it will take some time for confidence to Retention of clients since we began our operation in
return. 2002
Henry Webb Come and have a look and see
Domestic Meat Trader
for yourself