Page 126 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 126
expecting it last week.
5 May 2012
I’m going mad with 'Crackle Glaze'! I'm coating everything
with it. It looks like I live in an entire World which has
been charmingly weather-beaten. I'll post my latest
creation on here soon. (Working on an altered book. 3D
Art. Crackle Glazed of course)
7 May 2012
I’m sick n tired of being stark bollock freezing. Stop the
World I want to get off... and I want a refund
used 2 work as an Advocate so I'm aware of sum of the
under handed tactics used by the council. It’s only ever
bin The Council telling me the landlord wants me out &
that I'm in arrears. I’ve never actually heard it from him
personally. I got suspicious when they tried to pressure
me into moving THIS WKEND and said I must give my
landlord a months’ notice that I want to leave my flat ( I
don't!) They could show me nothing in writing 2 prove
he’d not asked to evict me - nor that was my rent in
arrears. I refused to sign anything & made my own
enquiries after they left.....
13 May 2012
My whole week has been wasted fighting the council from
trying to chuck me out of my home so I haven't created a
single piece of Art this week! Mmmmrrgh!!!!!! Maybe I
should sue them for loss of earnings now (amongst other