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PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)
                   Protocol C4591001

                   10.2. Appendix 2: Clinical Laboratory Tests

                   The following safety laboratory tests will be performed at times defined in the SoA section of
                   this protocol.  Additional laboratory results may be reported on these samples as a result of
                   the method of analysis or the type of analyzer used by the clinical laboratory, or as derived
                   from calculated values.  These additional tests would not require additional collection of
                   blood.  Unscheduled clinical laboratory measurements may be obtained at any time during
                   the study to assess any perceived safety issues.

                            Hematology                   Chemistry                        Other
                    Hemoglobin                  BUN and creatinine          •  Urine pregnancy test (β-hCG)
                    Hematocrit                  AST, ALT                     At screening only:
                    RBC count                   Total bilirubin             •  Hepatitis B core antibody
                    MCV                         Alkaline phosphatase        •  Hepatitis B surface antigen
                    MCH                                                     •  Hepatitis C antibody
                    MCHC                                                    •  Human immunodeficiency virus
                    Platelet count
                    WBC count
                    Total neutrophils (Abs)
                    Eosinophils (Abs)
                    Monocytes (Abs)
                    Basophils (Abs)
                    Lymphocytes (Abs)

                   Investigators must document their review of each laboratory safety report.

                   Clinically significant abnormal laboratory findings should be recorded in the AE CRF in
                   accordance with the following grading scale (Table 9).

                    Table 9.   Laboratory Abnormality Grading Scale

                       Hematology       Mild (Grade 1)      Moderate       Severe (Grade 3)    Potentially Life
                                                            (Grade 2)                          Threatening
                                                                                                (Grade 4)
                    Hemoglobin        11.0 – 12.0       9.5 – 10.9        8.0 – 9.4         <8.0
                    (Female) - g/dL
                    Hemoglobin        12.5 – 13.5       10.5 – 12.4       8.5 – 10.4        <8.5
                    (Male) - g/dL
                    WBC increase -    10,800 – 15,000    15,001 – 20,000    20,001 – 25, 000    >25,000
                    WBC decrease -    2,500 – 3,500     1,500 – 2,499     1,000 – 1,499     <1,000
                    Lymphocytes       750 – 1,000       500 – 749         250 – 499         <250
                    decrease - cells/mm
                    Neutrophils decrease  1,500 – 2,000    1,000 – 1,499    500 – 999       <500
                    - cells/mm
                    Eosinophils -     650 – 1500        1501 - 5000       >5000             Hypereosinophilic
                    Platelets decreased -  125,000 – 140,000    100,000 – 124,000    25,000 – 99,000    <25,000

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