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PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)
                   Protocol C4591001

                             Objectives                     Estimands                     Endpoints
                                                        Secondary Efficacy
                    To evaluate the efficacy of   In participants complying with the   COVID-19 incidence per 1000
                    prophylactic BNT162b2 against   key protocol criteria (evaluable   person-years of follow-up based on
                    confirmed COVID-19 occurring from   participants) at least 14 days after   central laboratory or locally
                    14 days after the second dose in   receipt of the second dose of study   confirmed NAAT in participants with
                    participants without evidence of   intervention:            no serological or virological evidence
                    infection before vaccination   100 × (1 – IRR) [ratio of active   (up to 14 days after receipt of the
                                                  vaccine to placebo]           second dose) of past SARS-CoV-2
                    To evaluate the efficacy of   In participants complying with the   COVID-19 incidence per 1000
                    prophylactic BNT162b2 against   key protocol criteria (evaluable   person-years of follow-up based on
                    confirmed COVID-19 occurring from   participants) at least 14 days after   central laboratory or locally
                    14 days after the second dose in   receipt of the second dose of study   confirmed NAAT
                    participants with and without   intervention:
                    evidence of infection before   100 × (1 – IRR) [ratio of active
                    vaccination                   vaccine to placebo]
                    To evaluate the efficacy of   In participants complying with the   Confirmed severe COVID-19
                    prophylactic BNT162b2 against   key protocol criteria (evaluable   incidence per 1000 person-years of
                    confirmed severe COVID-19     participants)                 follow-up in participants with no
                    occurring from 7 days and from 14   •  at least 7 days      serological or virological evidence (up
                    days after the second dose in   and                         to 7 days and up to 14 days after
                    participants without evidence of   •  at least 14 days      receipt of the second dose) of past
                    infection before vaccination   after receipt of the second dose of   SARS-CoV-2 infection
                                                  study intervention:
                                                  100 × (1 – IRR) [ratio of active
                                                  vaccine to placebo]
                    To evaluate the efficacy of   In participants complying with the   Confirmed severe COVID-19
                    prophylactic BNT162b2 against   key protocol criteria (evaluable   incidence per 1000 person-years of
                    confirmed severe COVID-19     participants)                 follow-up
                    occurring from 7 days and from 14   •  at least 7 days
                    days after the second dose in   and
                    participants with and without   •  at least 14 days
                    evidence of infection before   after receipt of the second dose of
                    vaccination                   study intervention:
                                                  100 × (1 – IRR) [ratio of active
                                                  vaccine to placebo]
                    To describe the efficacy of   In participants complying with the   COVID-19 incidence per 1000
                    prophylactic BNT162b2 against   key protocol criteria (evaluable   person-years of follow-up based on
                    confirmed COVID-19 (according to   participants)            central laboratory or locally
                    the CDC-defined symptoms)     •  at least 7 days            confirmed NAAT in participants with
                    occurring from 7 days and from 14   and                     no serological or virological evidence
                    days after the second dose in   •  at least 14 days         (up to 7 days and up to 14 days after
                    participants without evidence of   after receipt of the second dose of   receipt of the second dose) of past
                    infection before vaccination   study intervention:          SARS-CoV-2 infection
                                                  100 × (1 – IRR) [ratio of active
                                                  vaccine to placebo]
                    To describe the efficacy of   In participants complying with the   COVID-19 incidence per 1000
                    prophylactic BNT162b2 against   key protocol criteria (evaluable   person-years of follow-up based on
                    confirmed COVID-19 (according to   participants)            central laboratory or locally
                    the CDC-defined symptoms)     •  at least 7 days            confirmed NAAT
                    occurring from 7 days and from 14   and
                    days after the second dose in   •  at least 14 days
                    participants with and without   after receipt of the second dose of
                    evidence of infection before   study intervention:
                    vaccination                   100 × (1 – IRR) [ratio of active
                                                  vaccine to placebo]

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