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PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)
                   Protocol C4591001

                       •  The investigator or an authorized designee completes the CRFs.

                       •  Record any AEs that occur within the 48 hours after the blood draw as described in
                          Section 8.3.

          Visit 10 – 24-Month Follow-up Visit: (714 to 742 Days After Visit 4)

                       •  Collect a blood sample (approximately 20 mL) for immunogenicity testing.

                       •  Record details of any of the prohibited medications specified in Section 6.5.1
                          received by the participant if required for his or her clinical care.

                       •  Collect the participant’s e-diary or assist the participant to remove the study
                          application from his or her own personal device.

                       •  Complete the source documents.

                       •  The investigator or an authorized designee completes the CRFs.

                       •  Record any AEs that occur within the 48 hours after the blood draw as described in
                          Section 8.3.

                   8.11.2. Phase 2/3

          Visit 1 – Vaccination 1: (Day 1)

                   Before enrollment and before any study-related procedures are performed, voluntary, written,
                   study-specific informed consent will be obtained from the participant or his/her
                   parent(s)/legal guardian, as appropriate.  Each signature on the ICD must be personally dated
                   by the signatory.  The investigator or his or her designee will also sign the ICD.  A copy of
                   the signed and dated ICD must be given to the participant/participant’s parent(s)/legal
                   guardian.  The source data must reflect that the informed consent was obtained before
                   participation in the study.

                   It is anticipated that the procedures below will be conducted in a stepwise manner. The visit
                   may be conducted across 2 consecutive days; if so, all steps from assessing the inclusion and
                   exclusion criteria onwards must be conducted on the same day.

                       •  Assign a single participant number using the IRT system.

                       •  Obtain the participant’s demography (including date of birth, sex, race, and ethnicity).
                          The full date of birth will be collected to critically evaluate the immune response and
                          safety profile by age.

                       •  Obtain any medical history of clinical significance. For participants who are
                          HIV-positive, record HIV viral load and CD4 count results from the most recent test
                          performed in the previous 6 months.

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