Page 47 - Gobierno ivisible
P. 47

Date: 4/5/2011                                                                                 Page: 47 of 237

            * During his June 16 tour of the battlefield, Castro admitted to newsmen that his forces had made the error of
            advancing on the open road that cuts through marshes, and as a result were an easy target for the exile air force.

            * Castro had no Migs in the air during the invasion. This probably refers to the T-33 jet trainers.

            *The exile pilots received no training in defensive tactics, for example, because it was not anticipated that Castro
            would be left with any planes.

            * Several members of the brigade later claimed they saw U.S. jets flying high over the beaches about this hour.
            This would have been long after the one hour of air cover at dawn ordered by the President, however.
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