Page 9 - Raynes Park Vale FC v Hythe Town FC
P. 9

Player file subject: Billy Bishop

 Goalkeeper Age:25 / born:Epsom / Height:6’1” / Previous Team: Abbey Rangers

 Welcome back to another season at Grand Drive!  You’re becoming a bit of a hero at RPV - how are you  V V
 How was the break for you??  finding the crowds these days?
 Thank you, happy to be back. It was good, much needed   I’m loving it. It makes such a difference having an atmosphere
 after the busy end to last season with us playing Saturday   and the brilliant support at our games, the crowds have
 and Tuesday for the last few months, so the body definitely   been progressively getting bigger, so it just keeps getting
 needed a rest but as always, a couple of weeks into the break I   better and better. We all really appreciate the support and
 started to miss the football and was itching to get back.  hopefully we continue putting on the performances to keep
 everyone  coming  back  and  then  give  them  something  to                             BILLY BISHOP
 How’s the start of the season been? What’s the mood   really cheer about come the end of the season!
 in the dressing room amongst the players?
 It’s  been  a  very  positive  start  to  the  season,  with  4  great  We’ve always had a bit of an issue in the GK position
 performances with a bit of everything in them so far and all the  for England. Who’s your choice?
 lads are keen to keep up the good form.  Going into the World Cup I don’t think we can look past
 Jordan Pickford, he hasn’t let England down yet and has
 A few personnel changes in the squad this season -   the major tournament experience, however, I do believe
 how’s that working out?  Aaron Ramsdale has the attributes to surpass him
 I’m really happy with how the squads shaping up, we’ve added   and will be really challenging for the number one
 some real quality while also adding some much needed   shirt come Euro 2024.
 experience into the squad as well. The competition for
 places is healthy and is only going to benefit the team moving   Croydon...? Discipline has been a topic around the
 forward. In terms of gelling I think things have come together   team lately - how do you think it’s working out?
 really well in the last few games and we’re only going to get   I’m very proud of how we’ve all carried ourselves in the
 stronger  fixtures against Croydon since our meeting at the start of
 last season and there has been a real effort from all the boys
 Some people who have doubts about a ‘keeper being   to work on our disciplinary record. We’re a team that plays to
 a captain. What’s your ‘keeper’s view on it?  win and will give everything to get the job done so with that
 Yeah I’ve never really understood it to be honest, as a   unfortunately there will be bookings and the odd sending off
 goalkeeper you can see everything on the pitch and are able   but dissent and the sin bins we all view as unacceptable, so
 to help teammates with your communication, but also, I feel   the target is not to receive any of them this season.
 there is a lot more to being a captain then just what you do on
 the pitch, I think it’s just as important that you lead by example   It was  great to see  England’s  women lift a  major
 by trying to set a standard in everything you do around the   trophy - what did you think of the performances
 club.  from them and Mary Earps in particular?
 It was great, some big and convincing wins along the way
 John Terry, Rio Ferdinand, Dani Alves…who would   and  then  to  beat  the  Germans  at  Wembley  in  the  final  it   Vale
 you choose from RPV as stand-in keeper?  was just meant to be, they all done the country proud! I
 Well  Archie  did  don  the  gloves  when  I  was  sent  off  against   was buzzing for Mary Earps, I’ve always kept an eye on the

             Star Player
 Fleet last season, the less said about that the better, I can’t   England goalkeepers and she had been around the England
 say I was that impressed, sorry Arch but I have heard that Dan   set up for a long time but not really featured so was nice to
 Moody has made quite a few appearances as a goalkeeper   finally see her get her chance and then go on to win a major
 even starting a few games in nets so we might have to rethink   tournament while putting in some strong displays.
 our plan C!
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