Page 2 - RPVFC v Erith & Belvedere
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CLUB HISTORY                                                                                                  Chairman's Notes

                                                                                          START OF THE SEASON
      Raynes Park Vale FC was formed in
      1995 following the merger of Raynes
      Park and Malden Vale (formed 1967).
                                                                                                 hat a week to be a football    here at Raynes
      Raynes Park FC used to be based                                                     Wfan in this country!!                Park Vale, as
      at Taunton Avenue, SW20 at the                                                                                            we look to the
      Raynes Park Recreation Group until                                                  On Sunday, in front of a record       future of this
      the 1995/96 merger.  Raynes Park FC                                                 audience, England’s footballing       great club,
      was originally the Southern Railways    Grand Drive                                 women acheived what Gareth            inclusivity is
      Football Section (formed 1928) and      Raynes Park                                 Southgate’s men    couldn’t.  . They   core to our philosophy and girls’

      were known as Southern Railway until    Greater London
                                                                                          brought the European Cup back         and  women’s teams are being
      they changed name to Raynes Park        SW20 9DZ
                                                                                          to England. At Wembley.               planned as part of that future.
      FC in 1964.  The Southern Railway                                                           Real football fans            For now, may I, on behalf of
      Team was a victim of the notorious      STAFF DIRECTORY                             The detractors, the critics, the      Raynes Park Vale Football Club,
      1963 Beeching spending cuts, a          Chairman: John Dalton
      national review into modernising                                                    snowflakes had their moan about       offer our congratulations and
                                              Secretary: Paul Armour                      the women’s game, just as they        thanks  to The Lionesses for
      the UK's railways.  Southern Railways
                                              General Manager: Marc Skinner
      1950's home kit was Gold and Green                                                  had their moan about England’s        bringing football home!
                                              Operations Manager: Helen Dalton
      quarters, the company colours.                                                      men taking a stand against racism            Yes, it’s the FA Cup!!
                                              Team Manager: Josh Gallagher
      Raynes Park FC home shirt colours                                                   in the game and, indeed, con-         So...why else should fans be hap-
                                              Programme Editor: Mark Ferrari
      were Red and Black stripes (similar                                                 demned them for doing so. But         py here?? Simple. Today we watch
      to AC Milan).  Another home kit was                                                 the rest of us - real football fans   the start of the greatest national
                                              TODAY'S PROGRAMME COVER
      light blue shirts and white shorts.                                                 - saw what happened and wit-          football competition in the world.
      Raynes Park FC ran five senior teams    Raynes Park Vale v Dorking Wanderers B      nessed a brilliant England perfor-    Yes, it’s the FA Cup!! It’s early
      on Saturdays.  The 1st and 2nd
                                                                                          mance against a well-organised,       days - the earliest day, in fact - but
      XI's played in the Surrey Premier
                                                                                          disciplined and talented German       for every fan in England this is
      League.  The 3rd team played
                                                                                          team. And win.                        the contest that counts.  This is
      in the Surrey South Eastern
                                                                                               Bringing football home!          the one that every club dreams of,
      Combination while the 4ths and
                                                                                          I wasn’t lucky enough to be at        where the chance for teams like
      5ths played in the Kingston and
                                                                                          Wembley on Sunday but through         RPV to shine on the national stage
      District League.  They also ran an
                                                                                          open windows and out of pubs          brings a touch of romance to the
      over 35's team and youth teams
      aged 14 to 18.                                                                      and clubs came the roar of a          weekly grind of league football.
                                                                                          country of football fans support-     Here at RPV we are not naive.
      Source: Former RPV FC President,                                                    ing and celebrating our national      We’re not fantasists. We have
      Robert Hallett Senior, who was                                                      team bringing football home!          realistic expectations. But, as I
      instrumental in the formation of both                                               Yes, it’s true, women’s and girls’    have said before so many times,
      the Rayes Park and Raynes Park Vale
                                                                                          football isn’t supported enough at    we have belief. We have the
      football clubs.
                                                                                          grassroots and, rest assured, that,  belief that, on the day, any ...

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