Page 3 - CHUFC vs Tooting Bec
P. 3

glen niCholS

                                 Good evening and welcome to Chalky

                                 Lane for this evening's game.
                                 An extended greeting to Tooting Bec's
                                 officials, players and staff as well as the
                                 match officials.

           With Tooting this evening we expect another tough game, there were
           two keenly contested games last season before it was cut short and
           although there has been a change of management they are still com-
           peting at the higher end of the division.
           Our recent form hasn't been what we have come to expect and we
           really need to find a consistent level from start to finish. Good 1st half
           performances against Deportivo, Westside and Bedfont on Saturday
           all ended in defeat and with fitness levels up to a more than acceptable
           standard it is the concentration levels that we clearly need to address in
           order to halt the slide.

           With the benefit of the Veo camera we are very fortunate to have a look
           at the performances post game and I'm sure that with the squad that
           we have and the benefits of the footage we will be back on an upward
           curve very soon.
           We'll again be without the services of several important players who
           are still two or three weeks away from inclusion and that stretched us
           on Saturday when we were only able to include 14 in the match day

           The task at hand is clear and the players as well as the coaching staff
           are very keen to get back to winning ways as soon as possible and that
           will hopefully start tonight with what we can assure you will be a hard-
           working and determined effort.
           I hope you all have a good evening and a safe journey home.

                          Glen Nichols
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