Page 11 - Raynes Park Vale vs Sheerwater
P. 11


 and  BT have  finally  fixed the  lines   IN THE BAR OR IN
 that came down a month ago, so
 football and other sporting events   THE GROUND
 are back on in the clubhouse.

 The new floodlights are now with
 Merton Council just awaiting the fi-
 nal approval.

 Brewed Awakenings

 As some of you may know, Brewed
 Awakenings, the purveyors of coffees
 Access  and toasties outside the clubhouse,
 Visitors to RPV will have noticed  have decided to move on to pastures
 the large pot-holes at the entrance  new.  We  wish  them  future  success
 to the ground by Grand Drive be-  but can assure you that there are ex-
 fore the gates. The good news is that  citing new plans for matchday dining
 we have established that this area is  as well as to cater for the numerous
 part of RPV and we are able to get  dog walkers and visitors that pass by
 the surface properly repaired. Good  RPV during the week for their re-
 news for team buses and players!  freshments!

 The pitch-side toilet facilities will be
 installed in the near future as part
 of a big push to make Grand Drive
 a more fan-friendly ground. Also
 in the plans are a new covered area
 for  supporters  and  a  purpose  built
 refreshment area and information

 PA System/Floodlights
 The PA/Announcement system is
 awaiting the arrival of the the new
 lighting gantries for its new home
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