Page 11 - Raynes Park Vale vs Balham 02-04-22
P. 11

Sid And Doris Bonkers  Park gilets courtesy of Vale Operations Manager, Catering Command-

      er, financial wizard and all-round do-er of stuff, Helen Dalton. After
      a mere twenty minutes Doris arrived back from parking the Meriva
      and she wasn’t happy. Apparently I should have known that her zim-
      mer-frame would get stuck in the pot-holes as she ambled up Grand
      Drive! Out on the stand we found ourselves next to the self-styled RPV
             A secretive bunch of ne’er-do-wells

      These are a secretive bunch of ne’er-do-wells
      but Doris definitely picked up a mix of Scouse
      and Sicilian accents in the chants that are

 These evening matches are becom-  starting to emerge from the RPV shed.  Noth-
      ing to do with CFC,  just that it’s made of
 ing a great night out at Grand Drive!  planks of wood, is nice and cosy and has
      a collection of old tools in it. (Don’t give
 hey always used to be a bit of a quiet affair with a rare    up your day-job. Ed.) So far we’ve heard
 handful of fans turning out to avoid pre-watershed   songs about Billy The Bish and Reece
 TV  and get a cheap pint   WB but there are rumours of a tribute to
 of By The Horns Pils and   a   Aidan ‘Boogie’ Brown on its way! Word
 Tburger. Thanks to some far-  of warning though...the main guys on
 from-perfect timing your Into The Vale fan   the RPV Curva Nord look pretty bonkers
 reporter turned up    so if they say ‘sing’ you better start sing-
 with mere minutes to   ing. These are dangerous men, are not to be
 spare and such is the   messed with and should not be approached
 change in attendance   - unless you have a pint for them!
 that, by the time we    Sid & Doris Bonkers
 arrived Doris had to
 park in Morden High
 Street (after dropping        Don't
 me off at the gate,   RPV Ultras  Blame it
 of course - no point          on the
 in both of us going           Boogie                   Reece (Wazza)
 short at the bar before                                Williams -Bowers
 kick-off!) With only                                   looking suitably
 ten minutes to kick-off there was barely time to get a prediction of the   impressed at hearing
 score from the chairman, a quick chat with RPV legend Brian ‘Biggsy’   the Wazza song.
 Biggs and a catch up with a freshly-coiffeured RPV keeper James
 Smith before slipping into one of the new, height-of-fashion Raynes
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