Page 23 - RPV v Chalfont St Peter
P. 23


 in 23 took Saints to the top to the   A  strong  run  in  the  FA  Cup  illumi-  peated the poor run of results there-  2018/19 saw Saints return to the
 pile where they became the target   nated  the  2012/13  season.  An  im-  after and fell away to finish sixth.  Isthmian League after 12 seasons
 for other teams’ top performances   pressive win at Carshalton Athletic   Still an excellent all-round season as  as football was restructured. An in-
 and it wasn’t until they were over-  earned a tie against Conference side   Tony Mendy secured top scorer hon-  consistent defence and a shortage
 taken by Aylesbury in the last  two   Bishop’s  Stortford. A  draw  at  Mill   ours in the division with 30 goals.  of goals ensured Saints were unable
 games that they had to settle for the   Meadow set up a replay that ulti-  Poor signings  to escape the mid-table places. To-
 runners-up spot again.  mately proved a step too far. Playing   In contrast, season 2016/17 was  wards the end of the season, Danny
 Champagne corks popped  with style, Saints were to earn the   possibly the poorest in over a dec-  Edwards  signalled  his wish to step
 At the start of 2010/11, the aim was   Division’s Fair Play title but couldn’t   ade.  A  storming  start  to  the  season  down from the role he had held with
 clear:  promotion  was  the  number   reach the play-off positions.  saw Saints in top spot throughout  such distinction and Saints had to
 one target. Getting off to an incred-  Lack of firepower  August but the hole left by the de-  begin the process of finding a new
 ible start in notching up seventeen   With a lack of firepower, the   parted Mendy was never filled and  manager.
 straight wins, Saints grabbed top   2013/14  was  a  disappointing  way   as the goals dried up so the tumble   Led by Finlay Johnson
 spot and refused to relinquish it for   to mark Danny Edwards’ tenth sea-  down the table gathered pace. Some  The dawn of the 2019/20 season sees
 the entire season, never being less   son in charge. The lack of goals con-  poor signings added to the problems  Saints, not only with a new manage-
 than four points clear at any stage.   signed the side to a mid-table finish   and the second half of the season de-  ment team, led by Finlay Johnson,
 The focus was clear and any pro-  despite boasting one of the meanest   livered just four wins and for a while  another young manager being given
 gress  in  the  cups  was  quickly  cur-  defences.  relegation was a real possibility be-  the opportunity to prove himself at
 tailed.  Such  was  the dominance  in   2014/15 saw the goals begin to re-  fore safety was finally achieved.  the higher level, but also a wholly
 the league, the champagne corks   turn. A promising start saw the side   The 2017/18 was one of our most  new squad as players followed Ed-
 popped with five games to spare as   hard to beat but too many  draws   exciting seasons in the Southern  wards to new pastures. The opportu-
 the title was secured. The curtain   held them back. A run in the FA   League, our seventh, with the side in  nity to build something new from the
 was  brought  down  on  the  record   Cup,  highlighted  by  a  deserved  win   playoff contention right up until the  ground up promises to be an exciting
 breaking season and their five year   in front of a baying Kettering crowd   final few games. Our peerless record  one.
 stay in the Spartan League by win-  was coupled with a strong run in No-  against those sides who ultimately
 ning the Challenge Trophy for an un-  vember that saw the club in a play-  claimed the top places, with just the   C L
 precedented league and cup double.  off position but from such heights,   single defeat in 12 games, including   C I
 Genuine contenders  a miserable New Year run saw them   a notable double against champi-  K
 For the 2011/12 season, life was ex-  tumble down into relegation terri-  ons Beaconsfield Town, underlined   N
 pected to be a trial for Saints yet they   tory. It took a stubborn recovery in   how competitive a side we were. Still   P
 made a bright start in their new en-  April to ensure eventual safety.  struggling  for  goals,  it  was  our  de-  O
 virons and quickly acclimatised. For   2015/16 was a highwater mark for   fence that led the way with 16 clean   R
 long periods they were genuine con-  Saints in their current run in the   sheets. It was a season that saw ever-  M
 tenders but a poor end to the season,   Southern League. Putting aside an   green skipper Alan Hedley pass the   E

 combined  with  the  loss  of  totemic   early exit in the FA Cup Saints went   500 games mark and manager Danny   T
 striker Charlie Strutton to the pro-  on to head the table at New Year and   Edwards reach 700 games in charge.   V
 fessional ranks, saw them fall away   looked  set  for  their  first  tilt  at  the   Saints embrace change but enjoy sta-  E I
 into the mid table.  play offs, if not more. Sadly they re-  bility at the same time.

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