Page 12 - Lumbermens price book 2017
P. 12

JAMB OPTIONS 7'/0" & 8'/0"

                       Classic Craft, Fiber Classic, Smooth Star, Profiles, Simpson

                                                                        Single w/1 Sidlite   Sidelite w/2 Sidelites
                                       Single          Double Door
                                                                          Continuous        Continuous
          Finger Joint Primed                                            Wide Mull Post     Wide Mull Post
          3" - 4-1/2"                  ($15)              ($10)             ($15)             ($15)
          4-9/16"                      ($30)              ($25)             ($30)             ($30)
          4-5/8" - 6-1/2"               $40               $66                $77               $77
          6-9/16"                       $28               $54                $64               $64
          6-5/8" - 8-9/16"          Call for Quote    Call For Quote     Call For Quote    Call for Quote
          No Brickmould Deduct:        ($28)              ($32)             ($37)             ($37)
          Dura-Frame                                                     Wide Mull Post     Wide Mull Post
          3" - 4-1/2"                   $15               $15                $15               $15
          4-9/16"                     Standard          Standard           Standard          Standard
          4-5/8" - 6-1/2"               $70               $96               $107               $107
          6-9/16"                       $58               $84                $94               $94
          6-5/8" - 8-9/16"              $187              $193              $263               $263
          For 6 9/16" Arch or Radius    $101              N/A                N/A               N/A
          No Brickmould Deduct:        ($38)              ($45)             ($40)             ($40)
          Clear Pine                                                   3-9/16" Wide Mull Post  3-9/16" Wide Mull Post
          3" - 4-1/2"                   $107              $118              $226               $226
          4-9/16"                       $92               $103              $211               $211
          4-5/8" - 6-1/2"               $205              $259              $367               $367
          6-9/16"                       $189              $243              $352               $352
          6-5/8" - 8-9/16"              $307              $383              $583               $583
          No Brickmould Deduct:        ($43)              ($49)             ($49)             ($49)
          Clear Oak
                                                                       3-9/16" Wide Mull Post  3-9/16" Wide Mull Post
          3" - 4-1/2"                   $318              $351              $783               $783
          4-9/16"                       $303              $335              $768               $768
          4-5/8" - 6-1/2"               $529              $583             $1,016             $1,016
          6-9/16"                       $514              $568             $1,005             $1,005
          6-5/8" - 8-9/16"              $920             $1,022            $1,488             $1,488
          No Brickmould Deduct:        ($108)            ($116)             ($124)            ($124)
          Mahogany                                                     3-9/16" Wide Mull Post  3-9/16" Wide Mull Post
          3" - 4-1/2"                   $610              $659             $1,395             $1,395
          4-9/16"                       $595              $646             $1,380             $1,380
          4-5/8" - 6-1/2"               $962             $1,016            $1,773             $1,773
          6-9/16"                       $947             $1,001            $1,758             $1,758
          6-5/8" - 8-9/16"             $1,563            $1,726            $2,483             $2,483
          No Brickmould Deduct:        ($195)            ($211)             ($211)            ($211)
          Fir                                                          3-9/16" Wide Mull Post  3-9/16" Wide Mull Post
          3" - 4-1/2"                   $205              $253              $399               $399
          4-9/16"                       $189              $238              $384               $384
          4-5/8" - 6-1/2"               $367              $421              $637               $637
          6-9/16"                       $352              $406              $622               $622
          6-5/8" - 8-9/16"              $655              $741              $958               $958
          No Brickmould Deduct:        ($65)              ($76)             ($76)             ($76)
          Notes: Dura-Tech mull post available in  4 9/16" & 6 9/16"
          Duraframe/Finger-Joint Primed units come standard with storm door prep up to 6-9/16".  Over 6-9/16" jamb size unit wil include a  3-9/16"
          mull post.
          Storm Door Adapters available.  See Page 4
          Species Jambs (Pine, Fir, Mahogany, Oak) come standard with a 3-9/16" mull post on all continuous units. Species Jamb Boxed Units come
          storm door prepped automatically
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