Page 22 - Demo
P. 22
I entered a diner and was shown to a booth. As I was sitting down, I spied a mother and two little girls in the next booth. To the young- est one I said, “Hi, there.” She stared back at me with an arched brow. Her hair was collected on the top of her head in two bunches like turnip tops. I was inspired to draw a caricature of her, and I did. I got up, walked around and placed it on their table. The mother smiled and said, “Look, Emily, this is a picture of you.”
I returned to my seat. I noticed the top of Emily’s head bobbing on the other side of the divider between the booths. She was busily doing something. After awhile, she turned around, and kneeling on her seat, reached over the divider and handed me a sheet of paper. On it was a picture she had drawn... of me! Turnabout was fair play and I had a portrait of myself gifted to me by a lovable 3-year old.