Page 2 - Property Rights in the Philippine A Time and Cost Study_July 2017
P. 2


                            Abbreviations                                                           4

                         I  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                       5

                         II  INTRODUCTION                                                           5
                        III  REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                           6

                                   Output of the November 8, 2016 Workshop with Region XIII         6

                                   Study on the Cost and time to Secure and Issue Land Titles       6
                                   under Systematic and Sporadic Land Titling Procedures

                                   Study on the cost and time to secure and issue free patent       7
                                   titles under LAMP 2 and DENR-CARP funded titling
                                   DENR Region VII Citizen’s Charter                                7

                                   Comparative Data about Titling Costs and Duration in Other       8

                        IV  METHODOLOGY                                                             9
                                   Review of Documents                                              9

                                   Conduct of Interviews and Meetings                               9

                                   Data Analysis                                                    9

                                   Data Presentation                                                9
                         V  THE RESIDENTIAL FREE PATENT PROCESS                                    10

                                   Adjudication                                                    10

                                          Sporadic Adjudication                                    10
                                          Systematic Adjudication                                  11

                                   Subdivision Survey                                              12

                                   CENRO Processing                                                12
                                   PENRO Processing                                                13

                                   ROD Registration and Title Issuance                             13

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