Page 9 - Property Rights in the Philippine A Time and Cost Study_July 2017
P. 9


                       To identify the processes and activities in the issuance of residential free patent, the study team
               conducted the following activities:

               Review of Documents

                       The team reviewed a documentation on DENR Region XIII CENROs process of residential and
               agricultural  free  patents.  They  also  reviewed  existing  studies  which  have  been  conducted  during  the
               implementation period of LAMP was undertaken.  The studies compared costs and duration of the titling
               process under Sporadic and Systematic processes and with regards to the type of funding, under CARP
               and LAMP. The Region 7 Citizen’s Charter entries for free patent application, outputs from several focus
               group discussions (FGD), and documented processes under the PLG project were also reviewed.

                       From these documents, the Team discerned that while official documents suggested a clear-cut
               process  with  specific  duration  and  costs,  the  reality  of  public  land  titling  processes  is  much  more

               Conduct of Interviews and Meetings

                       Team meetings were conducted together with the DENR Resource persons: Lucifena Bardoquillo,
               Development Management Officer I; Cristorey Cabilogan, Land Management Officer; and Rhudyl Ferniz
               (Community Development Officer during LAMP project).

                       To gather more information, the team interviewed technical personnel from DENR field offices in
               Regions 7 and 13, LMB, ROD and Land Registration Authority (LRA). They also gathered information from
               applicants for public land titling.

                       Another  technical  expert  Engr.  Warlito  Quirimit,  manager  of  LMB’s  Land  Administration  and
               Management System (LAMS) oriented the Team on LAMS Public Land Application (PLA), and Inspection,
               Verification and Approval of Surveys (IVAS) was also interviewed. The Team learned about a new process
               for  accepting  and  approving  subdivision  surveys  in  digital  form.  As  this  new  process  has  not  been
               completely rolled out nationwide, the Team decided to work with the current process (see Table 7).

               Data Presentation

                       The  team  used  the  Input-Process-Output  (IPO)  Table  format,  then  modified  it  to  reflect
               observations, insights and recommendations. Other choices were the Flow Diagram, Flow Process Chart
               (tools to trace their origins to Frederick Winslow Taylor), and simpler formats like the Work Breakdown
               Structure and Macro Flow Process Map. They also agreed to use the “Actor + Action + Details” convention
               of writing Activity statements.

               Data Analysis

               The team extracted the gathered data on source of delays, and costs. Analysis showed that many of the
               delays are related to accessing data from DENR, many of which are not available in digital form.

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