Page 1 - The Interconnected Individual: Seizing Opportunity in the Era of AI, Platforms, Apps, and Global Exchanges
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THE INTERCONNECTED                                                                       S       S           I
           THE BUSINESS
           EXPERT PRESS                INDIVIDUAL                                                                                  B            S       C
           DIGITAL LIBRARIES           SEIZING OPPORTUNITY IN THE ERA                                                           Jim Spohrer and Haluk Demirkan, Editors

           EBOOKS FOR                  OF AI, PLATFORMS, APPS, AND GLOBAL                     HASTINGS • SAPERSTEIN
           Curriculum-oriented, born-
           digital books for advanced   Hunter Hastings • Jeff Saperstein
           business students, written   Given the rapid technological, organizational, and structural                           THE
           by academic thought         changes that challenge conventional institutions and econo-
           leaders who translate real-
           world business experience   mies, what is the future of work? The authors propose a path to                          INTERCONNECTED
           into course readings and    seize opportunity for the individual worker and entrepreneur,
           reference materials for     who can be newly interconnected and augmented by emerging
           students expecting to tackle   technologies. Values-based individual career and business navi-                       INDIVIDUAL
           management and leadership   gation can thrive and succeed; teams, groups, and networks can
           challenges during their     be enhanced with a new mode of innovation based on social
           professional careers.       conversation and connection rather than a commercial, hierar-                            SEIZING OPPORTUNITY
                                       chical, and prescriptive process.
           BY LIBRARIANS                  The authors provide visual models, case studies, and in-                              IN THE ERA OF AI,
                                       depth interviews with cutting-edge practitioners, who provide
           •  Unlimited simultaneous   insights from real-world experience.
             usage                                                                                                              PLATFORMS, APPS, AND
           •  Unrestricted downloading    The Interconnected Individual is intended to help business and
             and printing              professional executives and freelance workers to adopt an en-
           •  Perpetual access for a   trepreneurial mind-set, regardless of   eld, industry, or work role.  THE INTERCONNECTED INDIVIDUAL  GLOBAL EXCHANGES
             one-time fee
           •  No platform or           Hunter Hastings is a partner in Bialla Venture Partners venture
             maintenance fees          capital fund, an angel investor, and mentor to entrepreneurs. He
           •  Free MARC records        is executive director of the Center for Individualism, which ad-
           •  No license to execute    vocates for individual entrepreneurship and self-reliance, and a
                                       member of Mises Institute.
           The Digital Libraries are a                                                                                          Hunter Hastings
           comprehensive, cost-eff ective   Jeff Saperstein’s professional background includes careers in
           way to deliver practical    advertis ing, nonpro  t marketing and fund-raising, university                           Jeff Saperstein
           treatments of important     teaching, writing, and coaching. He is a career transition coach,
           business issues to every    university lecturer, and author of business case studies and
           student and faculty member.   books. Jeff’s mission is to help others be successful by aligning
                                       their own values with their work, up-skilling their pro  ciencies
                                       to improve their market value and career options, and encourag-
                                       ing them to take calculated risks for their own happiness.
             For further information, a
           free trial, or to order, contact:
      S       S           I
                                          B            S       C
                                       Jim Spohrer and Haluk Demirkan, Editors
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