P. 111

20.   The passage indicates that it was     22.   In line 10, "bloomers" are
                    fashionable in the 1890s for women to       (A)   shirts
                    wear                                        (B)   skirts

                    (A)  long skirts                            (C)   hats
                    (B)  short pants                            (D)  pants
                    (C)  small hats
                    (D) men's clothing                      23.   It is implied in the passage that
                                                                newspapers expressed the opinion
                21.  It is implied in the passage that lead is   that women
                    (A)  heavy                                  (A) should wear bloomers
                    (B)  soft                                   (B) should not ride bicycles
                    (C) delicate                                (C) should not wear long, full skirts
                    (D) light                                   (D) should always follow the fashion

               Skill 6: "WHERE" QUESTIONS

               Sometimes the final question accompanying a reading passage (or one paragraph of a pas-
               sage) on both the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test will ask you to deter-
               mine  where  in  the  passage  a  piece  of  information  is  found.  This  type  of  question  is
               worded differently on the paper TOEFL test and on the computer TOEFL test. On the
               paper test, there will be a multiple choice question that asks where certain information is
               found.  The  answer  choices  will  list  possible  locations  for  that  information.  On  the
               computer  test,  the  question  asks  you  to  click  on  the  sentence  that  contains  certain
               information. Look at a multiple choice example from the paper TOEFL test that asks you
               to identify where certain information is found.

                             Example from the Paper TOEFL Test

                             The passage:
                                     The words "capital  and "capitol" are confused in
                                spelling and in meaning by a lot of people who try to use
                                them. Both their spellings and their meanings are quite
                                closely related. A "capital" is the location of the center of
                                government, while a "capitol" is the actual building where the
                                government officials meet. Thus, in the United States, for
                                example, the Capitol building is located in Washington, D.C.,
                                which is the capital city of the United States.

                             The question:
                                Where in the passage does the author define the word "capital"?
                               (A)  Lines 1-2
                               (B)  Lines 4-5
                               (C)  Line 6
                               (D)  Line 8

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