P. 98

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-3):  Study each of the passages and choose the
               best answers to the questions that follow.

                PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-4)

                    When the typewriter was first invented, its keys were arranged alphabetically. This
                made the keys easy to find. However, this arrangement also caused the bars of the
                machine to jam, or get stuck.
                    To solve this problem, a new letter arrangement was introduced by Christopher
                Latham Scholes in 1872. His system, the standard keyboard system, is still used on
                keyboards today. He arranged the letters in such a way that the bars hit the inked
                ribbon from opposite directions as much as possible. This resulted in far less jamming
                than had occurred with the alphabetical models.

                 1.  The main topic of this passage is        3.  Which of the following is NOT true
                                                                  about the system invented by
                    (A)   the invention of the typewriter         Scholes?
                    (B)   a problem and solution
                          concerning the early                    (A) It was introduced in 1872.
                          typewriter                              (B)  It is still used today.
                    (C)   how to write a letter on the            (C) It became the standard system.
                          typewriter                              (D) It was alphabetical.
                    (D)  why the keys stick on today's
                          typewriter                          4.   The passage indicates that, under
                                                                  Scholes's system, the bars hit the
                 2.  According to the passage, on the             ribbon
                    first typewriters                             (A)   in alphabetical order
                    (A)   the keys were in alphabetical           (B)   from opposite directions
                          order                                   (C)    and caused the keys to jam
                    (B)   the keys were hard to find              (D)   in the same way as they had on
                    (C)   the bars on the machine never                 the original typewriter
                     (D)  Srhoies's system worked quite

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