Page 113 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
P. 113

 it in tandem with my electronic diary. It works for me and not much slips past me.
A key thing about the Franklin Planner is that you work the tasks, priorities and to-do-list hand in hand with the open page to write down notes or new things to do. I have a saying: work your diary hard. Work it constantly, and ruthlessly prioritise for good time management and to complete a huge number of tasks.
In today’s electronic age, a Franklin Planner approach may seem last century. However, the proof is how good a time manager you are and that you don’t compromise others’ time.
Paulism: Writing things down, making lists and ruthlessly prioritising helps you be a good time manager, working within your goals and not compromising others’ time.
4.2 Time in Motion
I have found Time in Motion to be one of the most powerful tools for higher efficiency and getting things done.
Time in Motion is the notion that to get things done you have to first do the thing that gets things moving.
How does Time in Motion work? It’s really about getting people working for you, or getting tasks and people in motion so you can achieve

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