Page 160 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
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 stop it now! It is an expense, but not an expense. It’s tax deductible and you get a return many times over by freeing your time up. Get someone else to do it who likes that kind of work. Your business will thrive.
I used to see it in licensees reluctant to contract out the lead management and book work. ‘I cannot afford the $20/hour. I will do it myself,’ they would say. I had been there in my early days of business of trying to do everything myself. When I discovered the concept of ‘people working for you’, success and profitability accelerated. It freed me up to be proactive in the business. It is a paradigm shift going from tradesperson- thinking to thinking like a business person. Sometimes we do it all ourselves and become too busy bogged down with the small day-to-day things to see the bigger picture.
Paulism: Apply the ‘contractor versus employee’ model to free yourself up to grow your business and get more down through the pipe, scale up, while at the same time reducing capital and risk, achieving more, and of course making more profit!
6.2 Training staff – Not ‘Sitting next to Nellie’
This is where many companies don’t follow Michael Gerber’s E-Myth principles of creating systems as a training model. Companies often slip up if they’re not using training systems and instead rely on training via something called ‘Sitting next to Nellie’ – ‘Hey, sit next to me and watch

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