Page 215 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
P. 215

 Management Theory vs Simple Business Management Processes for Success
I have a theory on this. There have been a zillion books written and a zillion seminars attended on management and how to create a better business. With some books I can’t get past the introduction before going to sleep or simply not understanding the message. I get lost! You have to be an academic to understand it. An academic I am not, as is reflected in my education.
I realised I was not the only one who didn’t understand some of the management seminar theories and books when I recently went to such a seminar. We had to rotate to the next table and communicate our understanding of the management topic. When I reached the next table, they immediately said they didn’t have a clue about what was going on. I said, ‘Great. Nor do I.’ The message went over the majority of the audience’s head. Did the seminar make a big difference to the people in the room and the success of their businesses? Probably not. Perhaps that energy was better directed elsewhere, such as into business development, systems and customer service.

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