Page 52 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
P. 52
Paulism: Keep things simple and don’t complicate things. Think from others’ point of view and whether they can understand what you are trying to say or do! Simple is good.
2.4 Simple Rules
Any strategy is more effective if companies, employees or people have straightforward guidelines for making critical decisions or are provided simple rules of thumb. There is often no need for complicated frameworks. Although a business can be complex, the rules cannot. And they should not only be simple, but quite specific.
Simple Rules takes a critical process and then crafts a handful of guidelines to manage that process. This approach helps bridge the gap between strategy and execution. Simple Rules are part of the business strategy. They assist in making on-the-spot decisions while aligning key decisions with corporate objectives.
In addition, Simple Rules translates the broad priorities into clear guidelines that managers and employees understand and can act upon. The rules help people avoid the paralysis that often strikes when they’re confronted with too many alternatives. Very importantly, it takes the emotion out of decision making.
Here is my own personal example that I put in place to enable me to make unemotional property investment decisions and stop me making