Page 13 - Wescott Woods Cluster_FR.February2022
P. 13

Patio Doors

                    Manufacturer:  Therma Tru or Equal


                    Hinged or sliding, including change from hinged to sliding or sliding to hinged. If the door
                    configuration is changed, the new door must conform to the DRB approved standard for the
                    door configuration in Wescott Woods Cluster. The door frame width may not increase by
                    more than 1” in any direction. In addition hinged door replacements have muntins and
                    mullions (grids) to match existing and sliding door replacements have muntins and mullions
                    (grids) to match the windows and hinged door grid pattern, or may have no grids to match
                    the existing sliding door.

                    Door Material:

                    Wood, Aluminum-clad wood or composite, Vinyl-clad wood or composite

                    Trim Material:

                    Wood, PVC/composite, Aluminum-clad wood or composite, Vinyl-clad wood or composite
                    with no change in the trim dimensions and profile.

                    Exterior Color:

                    The door frame and trim color must be an exact match to the Wescott Woods color palette

                    Note: All doors on a single elevation (side) must be replaced at the same time, except for the
                    below-grade basement doors. New doors must exactly match the existing door in overall

                                    Hinged Door                              Sliding Glass Doors with or without grids
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